Fluffington’s Apology










It is I, Fluffington. You know, I felt such a sense of peace the other day after I apologized to Hailey and Elwin. Not that I had really done anything WRONG of course, but I do realize that sometimes I should allow others to express their opinions as it seems to make them feel good about themselves, and I am all about giving to others. Give, give, give – sometimes I feel that’s all I do, readers.

But it did get me thinking that perhaps I had been a bit hard on my old friend, Chef Gazpacho. I mean, he probably does know almost as much about fine dining as I do, what with him being a chef and all.

So earlier today I stopped by Le Snout and told Chef Gazpacho that perhaps I had been a bit rash in questioning his choices and that if he would come back and cater my party I promised that I would keep my nose out of it. (After all, where was I going to find another caterer on such short notice at this time of year? Not that that was my only reason for apologizing, readers.)

Chef Gazpacho accepted my apology with grace and agreed to come back. You know, this spirit of generosity I’ve been displaying towards others recently is really leaving me with a good feeling. I think I may be feeling the spirit of Christmas!

14 Responses to Fluffington’s Apology

  1. MDIChickadee says:

    Good for you, Fluffington, for reaching out!! Glad to know you are feeling swell.

  2. SapphireSea says:

    Sure, sure, he totally always just gives, gives, gives, never wants a thing for himself. Ha ha, very funny. He is extremely greedy, always wants thing his own way, and tends to think far to highly of himself and also tends to think others know nothing. Truthfully, HE is the one who knows nothing.

  3. Jinx57 says:

    My sister has a friend who is just like Fluffington. She’s a nice person overall but thinks she has WAY better taste than anyone else. She made my sister a pie for her birthday and she told her how she had to go get some special kind of butter (like Irish butter or something) that costs about 10 times regular butter costs. How much better could it be? I mean, really?!

  4. Matiepie says:

    Maybe Fluffington really IS trying to be nicer than his regular ( greedy self ). But snuggles your right he is still being a spoiled brat!

    Love Hope Peace Music Hugs Merry Christmas! Matiepie

  5. lilspring says:

    All I can say is wow.

  6. OceanWings says:

    LOL, ah well alls well ends well, at least he apologized,
    good job Fluffy! (lol) :3
    Fly through the sea, swim through the sky,

    • snuggles56100 says:

      i say that his still being spoiled. i mean he is complementing him self!

      • sarahandlacey says:

        Thanks for apologizing! Even though it wasn’t the best apology! Kinzville needs some love right now! Now stoogles needs to go apologize to salley. Please go apologize stoogles! :lol: Boys they never know when they are best off! :lol: Btw, exclamation marks are just a thing I do! I don’t know why I use them all the time! ;-)

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