Fresco Contest Winners

Congratulations to Faith, Shirley, Cassie, Mackenzie and Taylor! They've each been sent a Feature Code for Fresco the MAZIN' Hamster! Check out their masterpieces below.






63 Responses to Fresco Contest Winners

  1. Country girl says:

    Wowzers awesome job peeps

    Thunbs up!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to every one who won! Although i think i should have won the contest, you guys did a great job, anyway. I like them all.I hope you enjoy your Fresco!

  3. rhianna says:

    they’re realy pretty congradulatoins even to those who did’nt win i bet they’re pretty to we’re all winners in my book

  4. Kinderella says:

    Great Job I like all of your’s great!

  5. Georgia says:

    Awww, what cute drawings of mazin’ hamsters! Congratulations, winners! I hope you have fun with your new Fresco!

  6. Emmy says:

    I love all this art! Each peice expresses the playfulness of Webkinz and its users. Great job everyone!!!

  7. Andr33a99 says:

    The drawings are all wonderful! Good job!

  8. Jenny says:

    Way to go guys!!! Amazing ideals talk about being an artist we have a lot of wonderful Artist in our Webkinz Family I wish I was more creative!!

  9. Tina says:

    Awesome job! I love them all!

  10. Kaitlin says:

    Those pictures are all beautiful.Congrats to the winners.

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