Fresco Contest Winners

Congratulations to Faith, Shirley, Cassie, Mackenzie and Taylor! They've each been sent a Feature Code for Fresco the MAZIN' Hamster! Check out their masterpieces below.






63 Responses to Fresco Contest Winners

  1. chariceiyaz says:

    Mackenzie did a great job!!

  2. chariceiyaz says:

    I think Mackenzie did a A mazin’ job!!

  3. pinkgirrrl says:

    lovely :);):@

  4. penny says:

    hey Mimi The Mazin Hamster, I like Faith’s and Mackenzie’s too! lol

  5. penny says:

    I really like Faith’s drawing, and also Mackenzie’s!! great good everyone

  6. Caroline says:

    First things first AWESOME job everybody!!! My favorite is faith but everyone’s was A LOT better then what I could have done!

  7. Mimi The Mazin Hamster says:

    i love Mackenzie’s!!! awesome job!!! I also like Faith’s. well awesome job everybody that participated!!!!

  8. Kinzgirl89 says:

    Those boys and girls have got talent. I just can’t draw that good I like mine, but those are even better!

  9. Alisyn says:

    These are all really good!!

  10. ARTTY kINZ says:

    Sweet job!

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