Friendship Focus: Forgiveness








By Ella McWoof

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of research and conducting interviews with the fairies about what happened when Nafaria and Alyssa had their huge fight. I was thinking a lot about that, and about my fight with PJ. Can you imagine what would happen if Nafaria and Alyssa had patched up their differences when the fight first happened? They might still be friends today – and maybe Nafaria would be the queen. Who knows? Neither of them was willing to listen to the other’s story – or hear how the other was feeling. They didn’t want to forgive one another for what had happened, so they just grew further and further apart.

I don’t want that to happen to PJ and I. PJ has always been a great friend, and I don’t want a little fight to break apart our friendship.

Forgiving a friend for a mistake is important; and after you’ve had a fight, asking for forgiveness is also important. Since I want PJ and me to be friends again, I need to apologize. I think I’m going to try and find her at school tomorrow and see if maybe she has some time to eat lunch with me and talk.

I have to try. I forgive her, and I hope she’ll forgive me. Our friendship is too important to throw away.

42 Responses to Friendship Focus: Forgiveness

  1. jalexis says:

    so nice of her they need to make up

  2. rachelkory says:

    That’s the spirt Ella.

  3. BFFadvice says:

    You know, when you have a fight with your BFF, here are some things to think about: Ask yourself if the fight was really worth it. Will what you disagreed about matter in five days or five years? Also, ask yourself if what you fought about, even if important, is worth losing a best friend for. Finally, ask yourself why you think she is wrong, and why she might think you are. It always helps. Once I got in a huge fight with my BFF. I was sobbing by the end, and you know what it was about? Who’s baby sibling was cuter! Imagine! Something as small and silly as that, making a ruined bridge between our friendship. Later she called and said ahe was sorry, and I also apologized. We saw eachother later, and hugged. ASK YOURSELF THESE 3 QUESTIONS! It really, truly helps.

  4. 1max2krissy3pepper says:

    I’am sooooo glad that ella has decided to forgive PJ!

  5. KitKat says:

    That’s what Alyssa and Nafaria need to do. They need to listen to each other’s stories and talk out their problems. I think that deep down inside, Alyssa and Nafaria still want to be friends. I think they should just make up. ;)

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