Fundraising Bake Sale – Roberta’s Hamburger Cupcakes












Hey – it’s Roberta. Okay – hamburger cupcakes may SOUND weird, but they look amazing and they are really easy to make. Oh, and did I mention that they taste AWESOME???

What you need:
- One package yellow cake mix
- Eggs/Oil/Milk (as per cake mix instructions)
- One package brownie mix
- Eggs/Oil/Milk (see above!)
- Small tube yellow icing
- Small tube red icing
- Small tube green gel icing
- Sesame seeds
- An adult assistant to help you with this recipe

What you do:

1. Have your adult assistant help you make yellow cupcakes according to directions on package.
2. Have your adult assistant help you make brownies according to direction on package. Bake in 9×13” pan so that brownies are not too thick.
3. Use a drinking glass approximately the same size as your cupcakes to cut out 12 circles from your brownies. These are your ‘hamburger patties’. 4. Cut your cupcakes in half horizontally. These are your ‘hamburger buns’.
5. On the bottom half of each cupcake, place a brownie patty.
6. Using yellow, red and green icing, top the brownie patty with ‘mustard, ketchup and relish’.
7. Set the cupcake tops on top of the brownie patties and sprinkle each with a few sesame seeds.

This is a pretty simple way to make some really impressive looking cupcakes! You can even serve them with sugar cookie ‘fries’!

28 Responses to Fundraising Bake Sale – Roberta’s Hamburger Cupcakes

  1. kitkats says:

    oh my gosh! these look SO good! YUM! I LOVE SWEETS!!!

  2. kay66 says:

    these are cute and look realy yummy

  3. mangomonster says:

    Those look cool looking the fries idea is good i gotta a try it!

  4. steeler86fan says:

    How clever!! I love these. Must bake them for the next school bake sale . . . if I can wait that long. Love the idea of a side of fries, too.

  5. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Sweet! (literally)

  6. Poalr Berry says:

    Ski you later!
    -Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen:

  7. lisiec8 says:

    sooo cute! love the idea Roberta!

  8. the critic says:

    Don’t worry,I’am not a real critic.people that i know call me that, and it is true, i do juge, but not in a bad way. I just love those cupcakes and i’am not just saying that.I also bake to and that is a creative idea for baking and eating.

  9. Icewolf says:

    These look O.K. Whats that? BROWNIES?? *GASPS* I AM NOW HYPER!!!! I LOVE SUGER!!! LOL!!!

  10. Maddog2008 says:

    I’m going to have to try making these with my son! I think he would really enjoy cupcakes and brownies that look like hamburgers! Very Creative…Thanks for posting! We’ll be making these soon. :-)

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