Game: Camping Trip Game









Want to play a super-fun (and simple) game? Play the camping game! This is how you do it:


One person is ‘It’. Everyone else sits around It and listens as It describes what they’re going to take to camp. It has to come up with items that are somehow related. For example, It might say:


“I’m going to camp. I’m going to take an apple, an arrow, an airplane and an ant.”


It gives the group a chance to guess what the connection between the words is (in this case, each word starts with A).


If the group guesses wrong, It names another item. If the group guesses wrong again, It says the name of a final item. If the group still gets it wrong, It reveals the answer and chooses a new It.


If the group ever guesses the correct answer, It is finished with their turn and a new It can volunteer.


Here are some ideas for connecting words:

Say words that all start with the same letter (rabbit, rope, raft)

Say words that all end with the same letter (bike, pie, tie, suitcase)

Say words that all have double letters (reed, tee, queen)

Say words that all have the same number of letters in them (cat, cow, pig, pie)

Say words in a pattern (ball, dog, bean, doll)

Say rhyming words (cat, bat, rat, mat)

Say words that are in alphabetical order (apple, board, card, dog)

Say words that all describe things of the same color (apple, ruby, cinnamon gum)


What other rules can you come up with?

12 Responses to Game: Camping Trip Game

  1. kate says:

    I have never played a fun game simlar to this game but i have played the game called apples and apples(disney verison) and it was so much fun. one of my friend brought it to school for game day Or rainy day recces,and the game was sooooooooo much fun. every body was crowding around the game. Reply if you have played apples and apples (disney version).
    ~ Kate ~

  2. Diana says:

    Say words that start with the first letter of your name like: Your name is Carol and the words could be (camp, cone, cow, care, etc) next person is John and the words could be (jump, join, jello, jeep, etc).

  3. Brianna:) says:

    I am going on a camping trip with my friends and this sounds like a fun game to play!!!

  4. kittykat101 says:

    say words that start with the same letter and have the same #of letters. example(said, soup, star,sour.)

  5. ShinyRocks says:

    We played something like this at school

  6. coccac123 says:

    add me to ur friends list plez

  7. sparklegirlLT says:

    I love these type of games. I like the Umbrella one. If the person says “um” before the item, then it counts.

  8. Andie says:

    Great idea! I’m going on a camping trip, and I’ll try this out with my friends!

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