Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day












Hi! It’s me, Stoogles!

Well, Salley Cat invited me to join her on the Lifestyle Challenge so one thing I am trying to do is cut down the amount of time I spend on electronics – you know, computers, TVs, game systems? Even my cell phone has games on it now! But for this challenge I made myself a promise I am going to unplug. That means only one hour of electronics a day.

I can’t wait to tell Salley!

35 Responses to Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day

  1. Tumble says:

    This is, like, impractical. What about some online schoolwork that I do, the DS, the Wii, and not to mention the INTERNET and WW and WKN? I can’t get that all that accomplished in one hour! I’m going to need at least an hour and thirty minutes.

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