Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day












Hi! It’s me, Stoogles!

Well, Salley Cat invited me to join her on the Lifestyle Challenge so one thing I am trying to do is cut down the amount of time I spend on electronics – you know, computers, TVs, game systems? Even my cell phone has games on it now! But for this challenge I made myself a promise I am going to unplug. That means only one hour of electronics a day.

I can’t wait to tell Salley!

35 Responses to Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day

  1. HamsterFan says:

    Thats is totally impossible for me because i don’t go to public school! Homeschooling! And i spend about 6-8 hours online everyday! And plus i have to check my emails, get on webkinz, IM with friends, and i’m in love with webkinz newz! So this goal is very impossible for me! But all of you who say oyu can’t because of only playing games, i think thats to whole goal! to get your thing done different daily games different days! So chill ok! You are’nt the ones who have homeschooling to do!!

  2. jaybeesmile says:

    I am playing Webkinz all day:)

  3. VanillaCupcakeLoL says:

    If I go on webkinz for only an hour a day, I won’t have enough time to watch tv, or anything else like that!
    (But I will try…)
    :) :) :) LOL!!!

  4. poobearz says:

    Electronics aren’t bad as long as you don’t get carried away and only do that. Keep it balanced with family, friends and outside stuff and there’s no reason to limit it.

  5. Pandingo124 says:

    I still don’t understand how Stoogles does anything– he doesn’t have flippers or wings! and i totally agree that 1 hr is not enough time to do everything WW and WKN ! T

  6. MDIChickadee says:

    Good luck! I do not know how you do all that needs doing in WebKinz world with only one hour per day!!

  7. katie says:

    Only 1 hour! How am I going to get all my Webkinz stuff done?! I have to do dallies, look for rares, look for rare clothing, look for Wacky in WW, play games in the arcade, and do jobs! P.S I haven’t gotten any wacky free ride hats yet! Also Tommrow is my birthday! I am getting a Webkinz Deluxe Membership!

  8. lillyluvie says:

    ◘ Good idea! :) I try to only do 1 hour of computer a day too. ♣◘○♦♣♠☺☻▬
    ♥Luv from LillyLuvie♥

  9. FireWolves says:

    An Hour? Wow!

    • Addict502 says:

      I know, right? I spend way more time than that online. I’m a serious web addict. :) I’m not on for like, a REALLY long time or anything, but probably at least three hours. $~Addict502~$

  10. Kim says:

    How am I going to get all my Webkinz stuff done? It takes a lot longer than an hour a day; with all the dailies, trying to find Wacky floating in Webkinz World, trying to find Wacky on WKN, the WKN peek-a-newz, the surveys, the new quests in Adventure Park….. LOL! 1 hour just isn’t enough to get it all done!

    • sparklegirlLT says:

      Good goal! I don’t know if I could quite do that but I could get close. :)
      P.S. Addict502 will you be my friend? My user is TinkgirlLT.

      • ABC says:

        That’s impossible for me. I go to an online distance school and I attend about 4 hours of class + homework, all online.

        • sparklegirlLT says:


        • Tumble says:

          Cool! I’m homeschooled!

          • Narniaisawesome1412 says:

            Awesome, Tumble, I am home schooled as well! It is really great getting to spend time with my mom and sisters all day! I LOVE being homeschooled! And plus it is pretty impossible for me to only go on the computer 1 hour a day because I do my History, math, and Creative writing on the computer plus I have to check E-mail, I-M my other homeschool buds, and do research for the book I am writing. So it might work for some people, but not for me. But good for you Stoogles!

            Long live the true king!

            ♥~Narnia (and homeschooling) is awesome1412~♥

          • Tumble says:

            Hi, fellow homeschooler! I do my French curriculum and some of my math on the computer, so, yeah. And I might be doing my science on the computer this year.

    • BatRulz says:

      Exactly. I figure instead of only one hour a day. Let say a person spends 5 hours on the computer or watching tv or playing video games or whatever…that person takes away one hour so instead of 5 hours is 4 hours. But this is a day and age of electronics…

    • Me Again says:

      It takes longer than one hour to do the Peek-a-newz…

    • starburst2011 says:

      yeah. i only go online half an hour a day, tho. : (

    • Firedance says:

      I am no outside run around person.Good thing this is not a challenge for us,just for stoogles.Does drawing and reading count?

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