Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day












Hi! It’s me, Stoogles!

Well, Salley Cat invited me to join her on the Lifestyle Challenge so one thing I am trying to do is cut down the amount of time I spend on electronics – you know, computers, TVs, game systems? Even my cell phone has games on it now! But for this challenge I made myself a promise I am going to unplug. That means only one hour of electronics a day.

I can’t wait to tell Salley!

35 Responses to Get Out and Play Challenge 2: One Hour of Electronics Per Day

  1. katieanddora says:

    Hey so I’ve got some good news and bad news. Unfortunately I can’t get the webkinz deluxe membership because me and my dad don’t know how to enter the promo code in. But at least I got a webkinz newz account! I might be making my first forum tomorrow! ~*katieanddora*~ P.S. How do you make

  2. kitty cat 11 says:

    i made a movie with my sis’s camra and then i played webkinz for a little but i have to watch the weather

  3. SIlvergirl says:

    its 100% impossible for me i do online school for 6 hours and homework (1 hour) so 6 hours more…


  4. Oshawott says:

    NO WAY! I sleep with my game systems! Sorry Stoogles, NO WAY!!!!

  5. CASEYSHINX38610 says:

    There is no way in heck that i could cut back that much!

    ~ shinx XD

  6. Katie says:

    Good idea! I try to do it! ~Katie~ :) (: :)

  7. emma100girlsrock says:

    Way too busy for computer I have soccer,choir,orchestra,piano,and homework!

  8. WildWarrior2345 says:

    I rode my bike today for 1 hour today. I am a writer, and I tend to type things, so this isn’t very possible for me. But I am doing useful things, so its not like I am just playing games.

  9. katieanddora says:

    Hey just wanted to tell you that the by katie was me I don’t know why it said that but OK. P.S. It is a year membership! ~*katieanddora*~

  10. TheaterRoom says:

    Only that much time?
    I can’t live with that I have to much webkinz stuff to do

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