Gobble, Gobble!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our first combo Treasure/Scavenger Hunt — we hope you had fun, even if there were a few hiccups in the beginning. We hope to have more of these in the future.



Everyone who completed the Treasure Hunt received 50 KinzCash — we’ll be making that a coin next time so it’s easier to find in your dock.


The first person to send us the correct words was dctalk! We’ve sent dctalk a Secret Code for an eStore exclusive Golden Turkey!


Our four random Acorn Hat winners are, in no particular order: prphk1, Spartacus, Fondueau and lapinears2! They’ve each been sent a Feature Code for an eStore exclusive Acorn Hat.


Thanks again to everyone who participated — we’ve got some fun things planned for the holidays and new year!

37 Responses to Gobble, Gobble!

  1. ImaPepper says:

    Wow, congratulations, dctalk, lapinears2, Fondueau, Spartacus, and prpkh1!

  2. Spartacus says:

    Thank you so much for the acorn hat!!! I really love it. :)

  3. mimzle says:

    It was awesome to have a treasure hunt and a peek-a-newz again. I really have missed these activities. Hopefully they will return more regularly after the 365 Days Of Give-A-Ways is over!

    • Fondueau says:

      It was awesome! because I don’t think I have seen a treasure hunt since I joined but I had heard about them! So yes it would be cool to see more of them *fingers crossed :)

  4. Fondueau says:

    wow! :) sooooooooo excited to have won an acorn hat!! umm but I haven’t received the code :(

  5. JRS1 says:

    Gotta have the hat! The turkey looks SO cute with it!!

  6. kin2832 says:


  7. Spiderhulkman says:

    Congratulations to the winners! I enjoyed tracking down all those orange words. I promise to spend my 50 coins wisely. :)

  8. natalie13 says:

    thanks site wasnt working!

  9. bonesbongo says:

    Congratulations! dctalk enjoy your Golden Turkey what will you name it? lapinears2, Fondueau, Spartacus, and prpkh1 enjoy your Acorn Hat.

  10. dctalk says:

    Thank you so much! I didn’t think I was going to win! I am so excited!! Thanks again webkinz!!

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