Goodbye to the Pet of the Month!







Wow! I can’t believe March is almost over. It has been so much fun being Pet of the Month. But with Easter just around the corner I’m going to be pretty busy helping my friend, the Easter Bunny, get all the chocolate ready.

But before I go, I’ve got a couple more fun facts for you. 

We ducks are pretty good fliers. We usually fly at about 40 to 60 miles/hour, and between 200 to 4,000 feet, but there are records showing that we can go much faster and higher than that. But when we are molting, or shedding our feathers, some types of ducks can’t fly at all and have to look for a safe place to hang out while they molt.

Unlike some other water birds, we can take off pretty easily from water.

Did you know that there are over 100 different species of ducks and we live all over the world? I’ll bet some of us even live close to you!

47 Responses to Goodbye to the Pet of the Month!

  1. jennie says:

    I can’t believe.The duck is gone

  2. Ang says:

    Nice knowing you duck. It’s been a great honor knowing you.

  3. Katie says:

    My lucky day!

  4. Boxxy says:

    Duck Mo Ducky Momo x3 He’s your very best friend! who’s the happy time toy toy? for every girl and boy boy? who’s the fuzzy enjoyment? Make fun with Ducky Momo! Ducky Mo Ducky Momo. He’s your very best friend! Bye bye ducky! And Who misses the pet of the month videos!!!!!!! :(

  5. Lauren says:

    the duck is SOOOOO CUTE and i’ll miss the duck.

  6. lemur7 says:

    i don’t have a duck or any pet of the month but i do have the white tiger and paint splatter mazin hamster if you could make one of them a pet of the month that would be amazing so please help me out and make one them the pet of the month please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. evileyes567 says:

    I know Mallard ducks live near me, I see them all the time.

  8. breaking dawn788 says:

    Awwwww, I’ll miss the cute duck being the pet of the month.

  9. Katniss says:

    Too bad, I have this pet and March is over.

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