Great Gemini!

If you’re born between May 21 and June 21, you’re a Gemini.

The Gemini sign is represented by twins – and that’s because those born under Gemini definitely have multiple sides to their personality! Eager to learn and clever on one hand, and playful and impulsive on the other, life is never, ever dull with a Gemini around!

To meet a Gemini of your own, visit the eStore and check out the Gemini Butterfly!

213 Responses to Great Gemini!

  1. OMG says:

    I want them back! :’(

  2. Punk goes pop says:

    I love thier songs!

  3. Disturbed girl 80 says:

    Yes, I very well want the band System of a dwon back. Why did they stop doing music? I mean thier music was so amazing. What happen to them? Did they pass away or something? Did they get sick and tired of doing music? Or…..Maybe…. They don’t care about thier fans?! Uh, maybe they were just doing it for the money? YUP! uh. I wish I was money! :’(

  4. System of a down chick says:

    Ok, who wants System of a down (the band) back? I KNOW that Disturbed girl ( a person who chats on this website) is a huge fan. She told me that she was a huge huge huge fan. And she said she wants them back sooooo bad! Well, so do I! Please come back System of a down (the band)!

    The bands chick fan Violet.

  5. "I WANT CANDY" IS HOPZ THEME SONG!!!!!!!! says:

    Kora i will trade u that stuff what do u want??? add me user is 5caw

  6. Crazycatlova says:

    anyone have bunny ears for trade??? if yah do find pinkdragon 016 in the light green zone in the trade room i will be on my arctic fox annie, my snow leopard angel, or my water dog zorua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jessica says:

    Caramel Soup is the best POTM video ever

  8. EmilyPaige10 says:

    Does anyone know how to make caramel soup???????????? Please respond if u do!! I watched the video , but i can’t figure it out!!!!!!! Thanks

  9. kiwiomao says:

    peace out everyone whats up

  10. nenacom says:

    i want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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