Great Gemini!

If you’re born between May 21 and June 21, you’re a Gemini.

The Gemini sign is represented by twins – and that’s because those born under Gemini definitely have multiple sides to their personality! Eager to learn and clever on one hand, and playful and impulsive on the other, life is never, ever dull with a Gemini around!

To meet a Gemini of your own, visit the eStore and check out the Gemini Butterfly!

213 Responses to Great Gemini!

  1. System of a down chick says:

    Hey, who wants the rockstar glesses? I would like to trade them. ;) I also have Hula leaf hat r what ever it’s called. So who wants them?

  2. Disturbed girl 80 says:

    Aww! What was soo fun today System of a down chick? :D

  3. System of a down chick says:

    Ok! I had alot of fun today! :D

  4. RockstarMadi says:

    this is not a trading website!!! if your not going to post about the article then dont post at all!!!

  5. RockstarMadi says:

    this is not a trading website!!!!!!!

  6. lucky1charm says:

    who has black labe if so i’ll trade u somethingfor it please reply:) (:

  7. Happiness and Love says:

    what is a retired psi?????????????

  8. AYA5241 says:

    Im a Gemini!!!! Yeah-uh!!!!! add me! I am aya5241 on webkinz!!!!!! WOOOOWW!! yeah!

  9. Amber says:

    I am a twin and our astrological sign is that of the twin!! :)

  10. Blake says:

    Later system of a down chick! Have fun! ;)

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