Gym Class







Hey, it’s Sparky. I was looking for Booger after school because I was wondering if he was okay. We had phys ed this morning. It was so much fun! First we played tag, and then did an obstacle course that Mrs. Cowoline had set up in the gym.  It was really cool – we had to climb up a steep incline then jump onto one of those big gym mats, crawl through a long tube, run across a bunch of tires lying on their sides and then swing across a ball pit to the end! Everyone loved it so much we just wanted to do it again and again and again!

Everyone but Booger, that is.

When we played tag, Polly tagged Booger, but he didn’t even try to run that far. He just sort of sauntered around. Then when he was ‘it’ he still didn’t even try to run! It was right at the end of the game anyway, but still – way to suck the fun out of it, Boog!

And when we did the obstacle course, everyone loved it so much we were all lining up to go again and again and again. But not Booger. He did it once because Mrs. Cowoline said he had to but after that he just plunked himself down on a bench by the door and waited for gym class to be over.

In fact, the fastest I saw him move all day was when Mrs. Cowoline said that it was time to line up for computer lab! If he had moved that quickly during gym class he would have left us all in his dust!

I just hope he’s not sick or something.

45 Responses to Gym Class

  1. mgl07 says:

    He just don’t like P.E. He likes computers SO much better! And Booger, GO OUTSIDE! I WILL LOCK THE DOOR UNTIL YOU HAVE SOME FUN!!!

  2. Kulkid2000 says:

    Wow Booger. just :roll: wow. I get more excersize than that! I don’t like tag, but the obstical course, I’d LOVE to do!

  3. ChloeKitty15 says:

    Oh dear Booger. You’re just digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Go outside or something! Please booger, for the sake of the Kinz crew and yourself?

  4. tinsel45 says:

    Boog,Boog,Boog……..First u say you are going to stay inside and eat gallons of ice cream instead of jumping in puddles

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