Hailey and Elwin Decorate Fluffington’s Games Room!

Hey, readers! Hailey here! So Elwin and I had a lot of fun decorating Fluffington’s living room but I’m not sure how much Fluffington liked it. I mean, he SEEMED to like it, but he was a little grumpy when he first came in. He kept asking where his gold furniture was. And purple – he kept asking us didn’t we know that purple was the color of royalty. Um, can you say ‘delusional’?

Anyway… now we’re onto the Games Room. Since there didn’t seem to be any gold or purple, we thought we might be able to have a little more fun with this one.








Fluffington’s games room is pretty cool. There is just about every game you can imagine and plenty of space to play. He’s also got some yummy snack areas set up. There’s even a sandwich maker. We want to maintain all of the fun and leave lots of space for games, while still capturing the holiday spirit. I sure hope Fluffington likes the results of this one!













Ho! Ho! Ho! This room is still packed with fun, but now it’s also overflowing with festive cheer. Fluffington’s walls were already a cheerful ivy green, but Elwin had this crazy idea to transform the floor – with 25 Shaggy White Rugs! He was going for a snowflake effect and I think he did a pretty good job!

For maximum impact, we place our decorative Christmas tree almost right in the center of the room. We created a relaxing seating area in one corner with a  couple of Santakinz Sofas and a Santakinz’ Helper Workbench. And where Fluffington had his card table, we set up a sweet little conversation area with four Ribbon Candy Chairs around a Red Side Table, right next to his buffet of Cut the Cards Counters where he can set out some Christmas goodies. We also added a Christmas Cabinet Fridge where Fluffington could store cold drinks for his guests. Next to that Happy Holidays Sign adds a quirky touch. At the back of the room, we flanked the Decorate Your Festive Fireplace with a couple of Modern loungers for a cozy reading nook. And we finished the space off with a wacky Santakinz Parade Float to really bring home the holiday spirit.

I sure hope this fun and festive room meets Fluffington’s high expectations!

22 Responses to Hailey and Elwin Decorate Fluffington’s Games Room!

  1. FluttershyFan says:

    I personally like the first one better.The second one is too crowded,and the rugs look kinda weird while the first one is more relaxing.Just what I think.


  2. DazzleDachshundRare says:

    Moonstar can you add me?My username is PAN787.

    P.S.You rock!

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Hmm. Honestly I liked the first room better… Only because the second room is to Christmas-y, I mean after Christmas you’d have to totally redecorate! And the rugs are weird, the flooring under it is cool! Otherwise, I think this would be a pretty neat room ;) Sarahandlacey could you add me? Krystallkat I will send you a request on like Wednesday :( I’m just really busy! Moonstar, what’s your username? I’d like to be friends!!


    • DazzleDachshundRare says:

      Did you get your username from the Warriors book series?I love those books!I just finished reading Warriors the power of three Long Shadows.It is a great book.Add me?My username is PAN787.

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Love it! You did it again!! It is great!!

  5. emant100 says:

    The floor looked so cool before! Why did they cover it up with a ton of rugs?

  6. sarahandlacey says:

    These are some awesome rooms. I like the last one it is so Christmas. I love it! :lol:

  7. krystalkat says:

    WOW! Sweet room! ;)


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