Hailey & Elwin’s Good News

Oh my goodness! You guys, we have some really exciting news! As you know, my brother Elwin and I are the Designer Elephants. We’re always renovating and redesigning various buildings and rooms in Kinzville. Well, recently we did a whole bunch of jobs –and got paid pretty well. So well, in fact, that when we found out a building was for rent on Main Street, we decided to go ahead and inquire about it.

You guys, we’re opening a studio!

A real studio! Not out of our dad’s basement, not in our own rooms at home…but a studio, in a real building. Just for us! Elwin and I are amazingly excited. The only teensy-tiny difficulty is that it needs some major renovating. For example, this is the area we’re going to use as a waiting/consultation room:








Apparently, this used to be a warehouse for the W Shop. There are some great pieces in here, and the landlord said we were welcome to them. We don’t need all this furniture, of course, so we’re going to donate a lot of it to charity.


Elwin and I know there’s a lot of work to be done, but we’re so happy to finally have a space of our own! I can’t wait to show you the finished product!

38 Responses to Hailey & Elwin’s Good News

  1. good luck says:

    I just know you will do FABULOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :] :]:]:]:]:]:]

  2. Emily says:

    I’m just eyeing that wonderful beanbag. You should keep that, and donate the beds. Except of course the butterfly one, if you can incoorperate that.

  3. Grelot says:

    Grelot, That’s really great news. I can’t wait to see the finished product.

  4. IsthataFact says:

    Hey, Hailey–there are some pieces my pets would love in there! Could we be the charity you donate to? LOL! ;-) Congratulations on your new studio, can’t wait to see what you and Elwin come up with in the future!

  5. greatKweathermachine says:

    Congrats hailey and Elwin! I can’t wait to see the finished product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy designing!

  6. tinygma says:

    I am new I sure could use the clock and white wardrobe. I didnt get any of the Mirror Mirror items. I really miss the blue flower plant and the crown and the top hat with ears so much :( tinygma

  7. starrynight says:

    That’s so cool! I’m really into the furniture pieces. I bet the results of the Studio will be perfectly amazing! Congrats, Designer Elephants! -starry night

  8. hipchild6 says:

    I love all of the random pieces of furniture all put together in one room! It love it all! It looks great!!!

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