Hailey & Elwin’s Good News

Oh my goodness! You guys, we have some really exciting news! As you know, my brother Elwin and I are the Designer Elephants. We’re always renovating and redesigning various buildings and rooms in Kinzville. Well, recently we did a whole bunch of jobs –and got paid pretty well. So well, in fact, that when we found out a building was for rent on Main Street, we decided to go ahead and inquire about it.

You guys, we’re opening a studio!

A real studio! Not out of our dad’s basement, not in our own rooms at home…but a studio, in a real building. Just for us! Elwin and I are amazingly excited. The only teensy-tiny difficulty is that it needs some major renovating. For example, this is the area we’re going to use as a waiting/consultation room:








Apparently, this used to be a warehouse for the W Shop. There are some great pieces in here, and the landlord said we were welcome to them. We don’t need all this furniture, of course, so we’re going to donate a lot of it to charity.


Elwin and I know there’s a lot of work to be done, but we’re so happy to finally have a space of our own! I can’t wait to show you the finished product!

38 Responses to Hailey & Elwin’s Good News

  1. Autumn The Cuzzy says:

    Ooh, I’m liking some of those furniture pieces… would you guys tell me the charity you’re giving them to, so I could go shopping there?

  2. LoveSong says:

    Hey! That is great news. And I bet they are going to fill that room up with the new creative studio theme! So cool, can’t wait to see the results! ~*♥ Love me like a LoveSong~*♥

  3. iloveart says:

    that is wonderful news. i cant wait to see the room when it is finished. i think there should be a restraunt in webkiz world

  4. sofia says:

    that is amazing! that is wonderful news! love it

  5. oldwooffie says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW that rom needs some Major TLC. Congrats!

  6. doglover says:

    i would love to be able to be able to let hailey and elwin design my room and they could give you different options and you can pick one i am so happy for you hailey and elwin great

  7. K says:

    You could probaley get rid of most of the furnetuire in there but there are some good pieces like that chair in the back the orangey 1

  8. Janey says:

    Congratulations to both of you! How exciting :) I am looking forward to seeing your room when it is finished ♥

  9. RainingSt@rz___ says:

    Wow. That’s a lot of furniture. I’m glad u guys have a new place, and um… can we hire u??? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please webkinz???? That would be SOOOOOOOOOOO awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If any one els agreas please let me know! And check back to see how many people want them to!!! ~ by RainingSt@rz____________

  10. gymdog says:

    wow! thats great guys!! can’t wait. anyway there is tons of retired stuff in there!!

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I know you guys will do an awesome job! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) ;-) :roll:

      • annie70971 says:

        Hey, who won the contest? Hailey or Elwin?

        • ~*blahblah*~ says:

          oh yeah???????? who won!!!!!!!! i don’t really care. both r great and they wouldn’t b so great without the other. so yeah. i got really stressed out when i came back from my trip yesterday because i didn’t know what was going on and i missed the spring celebration prize. i really like the fridge

    • MDIChickadee says:

      You are right, gymdog, this is really GREAT news!! I wonder if anyone in Kinzville has thought about opening an Antique Shop, where retired items might be found? I guess you can always try to trade for them, but sometimes if you did not know they existed (and the only place to see them is on WebKinz Newz in the Kinzpedia), then how would you know to try to trade for them? Yes, I think an Antique Shop might be a a good idea! And I *LOVE* the idea of a studio for you two! I hope it is a place we get to visit, too. All the best! MDIChickadee

    • Stargazer says:

      That’s awesome! I’m so happy for them! :mrgreen: I can’t wait to see the studio finished! *The Stargazer*

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