Hailey & Elwin’s Studio: The Trophy Room

Elwin and I had a small room in our studio, and we were trying to figure out what we should do with it. It was too little to use for anything major, so we decided: it’s our trophy room.













OK, so we don’t have a TON of trophies yet (definitely not a roomful), but we’re getting there! And with each design contest we enter, we manage to win at least one or two. So we WILL need a whole room to house or awards sooner or later! That’s why we put the bamboo plants in there, by the way – for good luck.

Plumpy happened to drop by along with our friend Pearl. Here they are checking out our brand new trophy room (they were suitably impressed).


I hope we need to add a LOT more tables – and maybe even a shelf or two!

29 Responses to Hailey & Elwin’s Studio: The Trophy Room

  1. Orange Starburst=DELICIOUS!!!! says:

    I friend u cathouse2.*Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    I *LOVE* this room – just the way it is! Good luck getting more trophies – you deserve them! All the best! MDIChickadee

  3. sonici says:

    Eh Its Ok Could Use More Decor Tho Too Much Green (BTW If Its An Art Studio Why Does It Have Trophy Room AND Meeting Room , The Meeting Room Is Larger Than The Actual Art Studio!!) *~*Sonici*~*

  4. greatKweathermachine says:

    Congrats Hailey and Elwin! I hope you get many more trophies to put in that room!

  5. Nyla says:

    Is THAT really plumpy? She has her blue wig and she a hippo and she has those plumpy glasses. It has to be! YAY ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE PLUMPY IN PERSON!

  6. cathouse2 says:

    Cool room! I love the way everything looks inside! Hey, does anyone want to be my friend? my username is cathouse2 >> cat lover cathouse2

  7. daydreamer says:

    i like the room but its not evenly spaced so its a little awkward. great colors though!!

  8. Valasprez240 says:

    Nice room guys! In my opinion though, they should have put the other bamboo plant on the other side of that pinkish counter thing. It would even out the number of spaces used on each wall. ~♥~ Valasprez ~♥~

  9. sssvert8 says:

    Cool but not one of your bests but still …cool.

  10. furryhairylion says:

    Cool! I think that is great! Hope you get more trophies!!! Your true friend, #@#furryhairylion#@#

    • SugarComet says:

      Hmmmm… not bad… but, yet not great. I would think a trophy room would have less green and a relaxing scene. I was expecting a colorful, vibrant room with tons of themes twisted to make the perfect match. Also- it’s a bit…… empty. Do you know what I mean? ~ SugarComet***

    • Chicago Made says:

      I was expecting a more colorful, and bigger room, but the room is empty, and isn’t as colorful as I though it would be. I do agree with you @SugarComet. That room is too green, and over it being green, it doesn’t look anything like a Trophy Room. Even by the size the room is! It feels like a Money Room or something like that. I don’t know! :roll: It’s okay that the Bamboo is in the Trophy Room, since it brings luck. But with the walls green and everything too matched up with the green wall, doesn’t look good. Sorry to say that, but truth is coming out. ~Chicago Made☠

      • SkrillexCBF56 says:

        I agree, Chicago Made. -Sadie ツ

      • SignatureBernese says:

        I agree with you, it does look like a money room! The furniture isnt the best either, dont know why but it doesnt fir with the decor that well. ~*Sigs*~

      • TerrierDog says:

        I agree. But the empty space is space for more tables for more trophies. And the green sets off the gold nicely! But Plumpy’s staring…at a green wall? Hm. And wait–did they say “a shelf or two” for holding trophies?? Will there finally be wall space for storage???? (fan-girl style squeal!)

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