Hailey & Elwin’s Studio: The Trophy Room

Elwin and I had a small room in our studio, and we were trying to figure out what we should do with it. It was too little to use for anything major, so we decided: it’s our trophy room.













OK, so we don’t have a TON of trophies yet (definitely not a roomful), but we’re getting there! And with each design contest we enter, we manage to win at least one or two. So we WILL need a whole room to house or awards sooner or later! That’s why we put the bamboo plants in there, by the way – for good luck.

Plumpy happened to drop by along with our friend Pearl. Here they are checking out our brand new trophy room (they were suitably impressed).


I hope we need to add a LOT more tables – and maybe even a shelf or two!

29 Responses to Hailey & Elwin’s Studio: The Trophy Room

  1. sweettooth says:


  2. dune456 says:

    I love it!! It simple and taste and a good use of a small space.. I’m always wondering what to do woth my small rooms and you just gave me some freat idea’s.. Thanks and wasn’t that a GREAT Webkinz Day?? I love it and I love the gifts and trophy.. The Best yet

  3. kakenta says:

    I like the way the color green brings out the gold of the trophies! Good Job.

  4. oldwooffie says:

    I guess it’s OK. You can’t do much better!

  5. Chopinlover says:

    I think the room is cute, clean, and very spacious. My favorite part of the room is the white column. I like the room.:)

  6. beanie8743 says:

    I think u need more on the color palette…………. but its ok. +, i think u should add more; its 2 empty!!!!!!

  7. Trader says:

    OMG, two of the trophies they have are level ten in the trading room.

  8. rainbowicicles says:

    The bamboo is such a good idea. I love it!

  9. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m going to make a trophy room soon!!!!! I don`t have that much also.

  10. chiuhahualover says:

    I have a LOT of trophies mostly mazin hamster ones though, almost to my tenth one!!!

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