Halloween Floaty Clicky!

Keep your eyes open for the floating pumpkin between October 18 and October 31! When you find it, click on it! Fill in the fields correctly and virtual Webkinz World prize will be added to your Webkinz World account.

What can you win? Only some awesome GanzWorld exclusive Halloween costume pieces! Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day lasts from 12am EST until 11:59pm EST.

107 Responses to Halloween Floaty Clicky!

  1. McKittyKitty says:

    My pet Haily NEEDS these items!!! :D

  2. calin1961 says:

    wow Halloween IS BACK.

  3. azwd says:

    ya lol webkinz is the best

  4. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I love all new halloween customes. Go webkinz.

  5. csh2003 says:

    The new costumes are just plain BOSS!

  6. Daisy11 says:


  7. tammysholiday says:


  8. WebkinzChic says:

    Has anyone gotten the girl vampire dress yet? Or the hat and shoes that go with the dress? If so, I would give you something you need for them. :D

  9. Webkinz User says:

    i havent seen a pumpkin yet

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