Having a Great Attitude!

Hey guys and gals! Ella McWoof here with some great makeover tips – but I’m not talking facials and manicures. Instead, I’m talking about an internal makeover- making the person you are even more awesome. Here are some great ways to have a gorgeous attitude!

1.    Do nice things for other people. Seems so simple, right? Well, it is! Another way to say this is ‘treat others the way you’d like to be treated.’ Be kind to others and you’ll feel great!

2.    Help around the house. Do things like making your bed without being asked, or washing the dishes after dinner. Your parents will be thrilled – and you’ll feel pretty good about yourself!

3.    Volunteer – This is related to the first point, but in this case, you’re being kind to a group of people (or animals, or the environment). Volunteering is so important – so get out there and get involved!

4.    Take time to smell the roses. Not the literal roses, of course (unless you happen to have roses. In which case, sniff away!) Each day, take a moment and appreciate the simple fact that you’re here – on this lovely planet.

5.    Do nice things for yourself. That’s right – you get to be nice to you! Whether it’s listening to music, playing some video games, going for a hike and exploring nature, drawing a picture, or building something, find a hobby that you love and then make time and do it!


Remember: you’re in charge of your own attitude, so you can always change it if you like!


34 Responses to Having a Great Attitude!

  1. jmcs1966 says:

    If only everyone who reads this followed what it said for a couple of day’s it would make a big difference in the world, Keep reminding us Ella and keep up the good work. Thanks

  2. PineTreeLane says:

    Ella, I like what you said! It’s not always easy to do, but it sure makes a person feel good inside to help somebody else!

  3. hailijo1 says:

    Today we had field day and my class was the one who won tug-o-war!!!!!!!WHOOOO!!!!

  4. insanity says:

    I agree, and some kids out there should read this, especially the bullies in my school.

  5. a bunny hoped up to a carrot and the bunny went munch munch munch says:

    There is one. His name is Sparky and he is in the Kinzville Times. He is Arte’s nephew and often is in the story section of the newspaper as a member of the Kinz crew. He is very adventurous and is friends with Alex the tiger. I hope this helps ( and now you don’t need to give Ganz money to make a golden retriever character)

  6. lola says:

    Keep it up ella great ideas and fashion? how does it get any better?

  7. Webkinzgirl says:

    Great advice, Ella!

  8. svga says:

    Yes those are defiently some great ideas!!! keep it up Ella!!!!!!! :) ;)

  9. gwenelizabeth2 says:

    Now HER glasses I ike–Where do you get them?–
    I have tried to watch trailer for Judy–get an error page–what do you look for in the clubhouse? New to site– not sure how all the different–thanks Ganz–promotions work ?!
    I’ve seen the DANCING SHOES–do you make them /or are they a prize or /from E-STORE? Please HELP! Purple is my favorite color–I hope they are made and someone is generous enough to give out the recipe–I can give you over 200 food/ clothing recipes–
    Just missing a few–Like SPIKEY SPORCAS– I think–it is a bowl of colorful spikey balls. I have won two during ballons in carnival.
    MAMA E. Peace out

    • lilblacklab says:

      I can send you purple sparky dance shoes! They are a prize from going to a party. If you have some clothing recipes, I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW THEM! Add me so I can send to you the shoes- pandamonium99

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