What you need:
- Individual serving yogurt containers
- Popsicle sticks, or teaspoons
What you do:
Leaving the lid of the yogurt container in place, stick your popsicle stick or spoon through the top of the container so that it stands up straight. Place your yogurt in the freezer overnight. When you are ready to enjoy it, pull the edges of the lid away from the container and then slide your yogurt pop out of the container.
Who knew that eating healthy could be so tasty and simple?
I made an awsome banana pop
OMG SO TASTY!!!!!! :) :) :)
Mmm, looks good! ^_^ -Dawndrop* :mrgreen:
yum that looks good
yummy i wish i could make that in my real home oh now im hungry yummy i hungry
These sound really good. Think I might add some small pieces of fruit along with it. Wish me luck .
I do this all the tie with my, little, brother.
that looks so good
Or you can just buy Gogurt (the yogurt in the tubes) and put them in the freezer. Yummy!
LOL Yummy I LOVE these! I remember one time, when we were letting yogurt in a tube set up for an hour or so,
and we forgot about them and brought them out in about a month! :P YUMMY. Aw man! We are all out of yogurt now! :|
I want them SO badly!