Here Comes The Gypsy Vanner!








Thank you Silverstar, WebkinzAdviser, and heather44 for your awesome Polar Berry Jam tips! I’ll let you know if I manage to beat those crafty yetis.

What I’m working on:

There is a brand new horse coming to Webkinz World! The Gypsy Vanner is a very beautiful and elegant pet who is desperately in need of a special item. I was thinking maybe a traveling caravan carriage or a mystical tent would be a good fit.

If you were adopting the Gypsy Vanner what kind of item would you like it come with?








Sugar Glider Says:

Last week GooberFan suggested that PJ Collie design a few prom dresses. Is anybody else interested in buying prom dresses for your pets?

556 Responses to Here Comes The Gypsy Vanner!

  1. PineTreeLane says:

    Oooooh, she is so sweet! How about a gypsy wagon bed? That is so cool that u give us a vote in it :) And how about prom shoes to go with the prom dresses? Thankz, Webkinz!!!!!

  2. jessaroo18 says:

    I LOVE the idea of a beautiful bed carriage, sparkling and glimmering with all kinds of gems and gold!! I also think instead of just clothes for Gypsy Vanner, they can make a matching body horse harness with lots of sparkling gleaming gems when the horse walks!

  3. GeorigaGirl76 says:

    I think prom dresses would be FABU and all but personally i think it would be a waste of time so how about whoever wins the quick events fasion contests gets to design them. hmmm…….. THANKS TO ALL

    GeorigaGirl76 :D

  4. polarplungge says:

    Hey Gypsy! What’s up?

  5. yellow333 says:

    a prom dress would be a great idea

  6. Squirrelflight says:

    Moonstar if you actually look at the time posted, you’ll see that Bunnylover’s was posted almost 2 hours beefore yours. Anyway, no need to fight, a gypsy outfit would be a kind of common idea. I think that there should be a stable that you could sleep in with tassles and other gypsy stuff! I think I came up with this myself, didn’t read all 27 pages.

  7. vonyumyum says:

    Also, PEOPLE PLEASE!!!! No dresses for this horse!!! They are not toys (per say) they are some of the biggest horses around! Not dolls! They were bred for power, strength, and grace, pulling HEAVY gypsy carts for THOUSANDS of miles EVERY DAY!!! Do not insult the heritage, ’cause I won’t get one if you do!!!

  8. vonyumyum says:

    I know TONS of people who own Gypsy Vanners, and almost EVERY ONE have a cart, carriage, or buggy for the Gypsy. I mean, in the name alone lies their original purpose! Gypsies used them for pulling their wagons, they have thick Irish roots, and are the sweetest behaved horses I know, I’ve seen a little mini pony push around one of these big guys, so if I had to pick an item, it would be an irish flavored gypsy wagon!! It just fits!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Janine says:

    A saddle and bridle would be great clothing. Something with pizzaz!

  10. Kinz99 says:

    definatley prom dresses! It would be so cute and pretty! The horse should probably have a barn play house. The Gypsy Vanner would be able to go inside of it! what do u guys think?

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