Thank you Silverstar, WebkinzAdviser, and heather44 for your awesome Polar Berry Jam tips! I’ll let you know if I manage to beat those crafty yetis.
What I’m working on:
There is a brand new horse coming to Webkinz World! The Gypsy Vanner is a very beautiful and elegant pet who is desperately in need of a special item. I was thinking maybe a traveling caravan carriage or a mystical tent would be a good fit.
If you were adopting the Gypsy Vanner what kind of item would you like it come with?
Sugar Glider Says:
Last week GooberFan suggested that PJ Collie design a few prom dresses. Is anybody else interested in buying prom dresses for your pets?
Hey Sugar Glider! I would DEFIANTLY buy prom dresses! And what would be even better is if there was a prom on Webkinz! I would go to it! And so would lots of other people. I think the Gypsy Vanner’s PSI should be a type of lamp. That is some how animated! A lamp that resembles the Gypsy Vanner of course. That would look very cool.
Hey Sugar Glider! I would DEFIANTLY buy prom dresses! And what would be even better is if there was a prom on Webkinz! I would go to it! And so would lots of other people. I think the Gypsy Vanner’s PSI should be a type of lamp. That is some how animated! A lamp that resembles the Gypsy Vanner of course. That would look very cool.
I think the perfect item for this webkinz is a gaint crystal ball! I t is a perfect idea and it can tell fortune and stuff the the grey Arabian pet item.
i think that it should come with an outfit that has a black and white horse shoe, and the end of the sleeves should have black and pink fluff.
prom dresses would be awesome. you should have a white caravan with silver roses
i think the gypsy vanner should come with a carriage
a traveling caravan carriage or a western wagon
I think it would be neat if it came with a Gypsy Caravan (which your pet could ride in), or a set of campground wallpaper/flooring.
I vote for a fancy gypsy wagon (could be for a bed or vehicle!) or a gypsy outfit (that’s harder because it would have to have both girl and boy versions included).