Hey Geminis!

Want a cool Gemini Symbol Wall Decoration? Just play the Gemini Butterfly Peek-A-Newz Challenge! You could win a random Air Sign prize, including the brand new Gemini Symbol Wall Decoration and pieces of the Zodiac Air outfit.  Look for the Gemini Butterfly every day between now and May 31. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

30 Responses to Hey Geminis!

  1. sparkleheart2013 says:

    i found 3

  2. cocobuttercup195 says:

    Contest at my house on rare food!(this saturday only!) all u have to do is be my friend,(my name is cocobuttercup195) post on this page what u want, and i’ll invite u over and give you that rare food. any requests?

  3. ImaPepper says:

    I’ve played this almost every day, and so far I have gotten the air costume pieces, but I’m really hoping to find the wall decoration! Hope I find it, this is almost over. . . :-/

  4. dobberjane2 says:

    can;t dare to see the zodiac on my screen omg isn;t that awsome or what

  5. kimjanberly says:

    I have played numerous times but never receive the prize:( Does anyone else have this problem?

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