Interview with the Sugar Rush Butterfly

Ella McWoof here, ready with five questions for our new friend, the Sugar Rush Butterfly.

EM: What’s your favorite color?
SRB: It HAS to be purple. No, pink. No, purple. No, yellow. Ah, all of them.

EM: What’s your favorite type of candy?
SRB: Bubblegum! Definitely bubblegum. Or lollipops.

EM: What’s your favorite thing to do in Webkinz World?
SRB: Play games at the Arcade. Oooh! And redecorate.

EM: What’s your favorite theme in the W Shop?
SRB: Oh, I love the Café theme. But don’t forget the Funky Girl theme – also very cute!

EM: Finally, what’s your favorite holiday?
SRB: Well, I love Webkinz Day. And Halloween. And Christmas.

EM: You seem to have a lot of favorites!
SRB: What can I say? I’m well-rounded.

You can get to know the Sugar Rush Butterfly better by adopting one today! They’re available at the eStore, but only for Deluxe members.

31 Responses to Interview with the Sugar Rush Butterfly

  1. Eliza says:

    The interiew wdoi b

  2. danaperson123 says:

    OMG ITS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lovesnowstormonnews says:


  4. lovesnowstormonnews says:

    lol the interveiw is cute i have to say my user name is lovesnowstorm on wk

  5. lovesnowstormonnews says:

    but why only for delux members that’s not fair whatever lol

  6. PINAPULINA says:

    IT IS SOOOO cute but seriously,…. only for deluxe members……NO FAIR :c

  7. Brittany says:

    Hi I am new here at webkinz i would like to be on the commity for the webkinz news letter!! To find me my username is

  8. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    I thought the Candy theme that’s in the W Shop would be her favorite. I guess not. :) Yes the interviews are soooo cute!

  9. poodlegirl says:


  10. lilypond9 says:

    The interviews are cute i like them :D

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