Interview with the Sugar Rush Butterfly

Ella McWoof here, ready with five questions for our new friend, the Sugar Rush Butterfly.

EM: What’s your favorite color?
SRB: It HAS to be purple. No, pink. No, purple. No, yellow. Ah, all of them.

EM: What’s your favorite type of candy?
SRB: Bubblegum! Definitely bubblegum. Or lollipops.

EM: What’s your favorite thing to do in Webkinz World?
SRB: Play games at the Arcade. Oooh! And redecorate.

EM: What’s your favorite theme in the W Shop?
SRB: Oh, I love the Café theme. But don’t forget the Funky Girl theme – also very cute!

EM: Finally, what’s your favorite holiday?
SRB: Well, I love Webkinz Day. And Halloween. And Christmas.

EM: You seem to have a lot of favorites!
SRB: What can I say? I’m well-rounded.

You can get to know the Sugar Rush Butterfly better by adopting one today! They’re available at the eStore, but only for Deluxe members.

31 Responses to Interview with the Sugar Rush Butterfly

  1. Webkinz Girl says:

    Awww! 2 cute! I like the interviews! :)

  2. Lilyno1 says:

    This butterfly looks ike a butterfly, a hippo, and a marshmallow got together and had a baby!!!! XD It’s still cute…kinda… :/

  3. ranlove223 says:

    I do not think it is very fair that it is only for Duluxe members I do not even want to be a duluxe member its not very cool!
    Become my friend in webkinz!! the username is: ranlove

  4. budabbott says:

    “all WKN members, commenting, ask me 3 questions and i will answer them.”

  5. ashleypokemonLOVER says:

    i love interviews! now you can find out about a pet and if you get it you know what to do with it. one thing is that i type really fast.

  6. bunniesrsoft101 says:

    I likey

  7. Guy says:


  8. unet101 says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET SWEET SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. chelsea says:

    Its NOT really FAIR when Deluxe members ALWAYS get the good stuff!!!!!!! By good stuff, I mean that they get to get the new pets at the estore FIRST BEFORE OTHERS GET TO GET THEM WHEN ITS TIME TO GET IT WITHOUT deluxe memberships…!!!!!! EVEN BONUSES, MORE FREE POINTS, ITEMS, EVERYTHING!!!! ITS JUST NNNNNNNOOOOOOOTTTTTT FFFFFFAAAAAIIIIIIIRRRR!!!!! (NOT FAIR) UH! Its just a waste of time AND money! U need money for the site SO IT COULD BE BETTER FOR EVERYONE AND MORE BETTER FOR DELUXE MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry BUT I AM A BIG FAN… Its just that like all virtual world sites all have memberships for better stuff to do.)

  10. Jessica says:

    Delux Advantage! NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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