Invitations to a Pink Party

Hey everyone! Since we’re having a pink party, we need to make some GORGEOUS pink party invitations. I invited Salley, Roberta, Nibbles and Cowabelle over for the afternoon. We worked really hard and each came up with our own unique designs for the invitations. Whose do you like best?










This is Cowabelle’s gorgeous and sparkly card.










Salley went with a textured look.












Nibbles LOVES stickers and buttons. Can you tell?










Roberta had this great scrapbooking paper. I love the way it looks!









Finally, here’s mine! I found this cool ribbon in my art supply box – and a neat white marker. Making invitations was a ton of fun!







60 Responses to Invitations to a Pink Party

  1. 2929mott says:

    I like Cowabelle’s and Molly’s.
    – <3 Stardust <3

  2. bellzenia says:

    COOL!!!!!!!! I WILL USE SOME OF THESE IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!YAY!!!!

  3. corro says:

    i like cowabells!

  4. Indygirlaec says:

    I think Roberta’s is the absolute cutest!

  5. mangomonster says:

    My favorite is Cowabelle s’ i like them all but who made the last one i like it too!:)

  6. kungfupanda321 says:

    I pick sally’s

  7. Glimy says:

    I love all of them!


  8. the critic says:

    I’am still chosing between the first and the last one. :D

  9. loveable says:

    i ♥ those crafts. how did u make them?

  10. pinky says:

    i ♥ nibbles. j’aime buttons too, nibbles!

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