It Snowed!




Last night, you should’ve seen the storm! It must have snowed six inches! Stoogles called me and asked if I wanted to go sledding with him today. Of course I do! Now, I do have a math test tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure I know the material. I looked it over for about half an hour yesterday, so that ought to do it. There’s something with algebra…letters and numbers and stuff like that. How hard can it be? I got a C on my last math test, so I’m sure I can get at least that on this one. I know Alex has been studying for the past three days – but how much fun is that? NONE AT ALL. So I’m going to go and have me a little break. Then MAYBE I’ll look at the book when I get home tonight. But for now – SLEDDING!

45 Responses to It Snowed!

  1. TashaCat says:

    Snow here! Six inches!

  2. Tiramisu says:

    I’d definitely go sledding: I mean, where I live, not much snow… So, Sparky, take the chance and go! :mrgreen:

  3. Gabriella♥ says:

    That’s an absolute NONONO!!!


  4. pinky says:

    yeah, you go, whoever wrote this…

  5. me says:

    sparky… tisk, tisk…

  6. seth says:

    I love when it snows but i’m from Texas so it does not snow very often

  7. jupiterismyhamster says:

    tennissyd123, I know how you feel. It has snowed once here, but it rained right after and it hasn’t snowed since. I’ve never actually had a white christmas because it always seems to snow AFTER…

  8. 90flowerpots says:

    I went to my Grandma’s house last year. She has a go cart. We tied a giant rope to i and then a sled on the other end. We tried to hold on while flying in the snow. Only me and my cousin were able to hold on the longest. It says on the sleds not to do that, but we didn’t listen and nobody got hurt. It was soooo fun. I hope we can do it again this year. I love snow. Winter is my favorite season even though we don’t celebrate Christmas.


  9. Ganzamania says:

    Its unfair, it doesn’t snow where i live! Have fun sledding Sparky! You will be surprised about your grade! :D

    - Ganzamania-*******

  10. Veronica says:

    Cool – wonder where they’re living. Obviously north. Way north. I’m in Canada and I haven’t even seen one speck of snow on the ground yet!

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