It’s Time for a Field Trip!





Hey! It’s Alex here. Today has been so cool! We went on our field trip to Sparky’s Uncle Arte’s Curio Shop and he took us on a tour of the Mines. It was awesome! The mines were really dark when we went in, but we all had these neat helmets with lights on the front of them that helped us see. The sound inside the caves was really weird. It sort of echoed in our ears when we talked but when we weren’t talking it was very still and kind of eerie.

After we looked around a bit in the first cave, Arte separated us into groups and each group got to take a mine cart to a different cave in the mine. The mine carts were fun to ride in but a bit bumpy. They go along these little tracks sort of like a train track. At one point we crossed a little bridge on the track and when we looked down we couldn’t even see the floor of the cavern – it was like a bottomless pit!!! How scary is that?

We all had pickaxes and we got to mine for gems. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be because the axes are pretty heavy and awkward to swing. Salley Cat was in my group and she found this really beautiful green gem called a Cat’s Eye Glint Gem. When she showed it to Arte he said it was pretty rare and he said he’d buy it off of her for 400KC but she decided she wanted to keep it instead. All I found was coal.

When we finished mining, Arte let us look around the Curio Shop. He has so many cool and unusual items on his shelves. We each took turns driving the clown car around the shop and trying on some of the wacky outfits. But the coolest part was when he took us into his store room out back. It is huge and is stacked floor to ceiling with all these really neat things. Arte says he has way too many things to fit in the shop all at once, so he rotates his inventory and moves things in and out of the store room onto the shelves. Wow! I bet someone as rich as Fluffington St. Bernard could have a field day in Arte’s store room! I’ve never seen so much cool stuff jammed into one space!

After that we all got to have lunch at Chef Gazpacho’s restaurant, Le Snout, before heading back to school. I ordered my favorite – the Kablookie Sandwich. I love kiwis! We were all a little dirty after spending the morning in the mines, but Chef Gazpacho didn’t seem to mind.

Then we all climbed onto the bus and headed back to Kinzville Academy. I am pretty tired but it sure was a fun day!

17 Responses to It’s Time for a Field Trip!

  1. Jinx57 says:

    Seriously? Since when does Arte offer 400 kinzcash for a Cat’s Eye Glint? Not in years of mining.

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