Kinzville Sings! Final TWO Contestants!



Heya! Dacey  here with some exciting news – we’re down to the final TWO contestants on Kinzville Sings! Some of you guessed that it would be PJ and Elwin – and you’re right! We said a sad goodbye to Wiggles the other day, but we’re thrilled with our last two performers. I decided to ask them both how they’ve enjoyed their Kinzville Sings! experience.


Elwin: I’ve had a blast! I never imagined that I would make it this far, or that I would enjoy singing this much. Before the competition, I’d sing in the shower, of course, but never in front of an audience – or judges, for that matter! I’m just totally stoked to be one of the final two. This is exciting!


PJ: Wow, I can’t really even describe how amazing this experience has been for me. I was nervous starting out, but my confidence has grown with each performance. The judges have been super-helpful with their critiques. Even if I don’t win, I feel like I’ve learned SO much and that this has had such a positive influence on me! Yay for Kinzville Sings!


In a mere three days we’ll know who will win Kinzville Sings!

61 Responses to Kinzville Sings! Final TWO Contestants!

  1. gssdftresxghts says:

    I mean I was writing vote for elwin.

  2. sky330 says:

    never heard of the singing contest. to busy on webkinz trying to get 4000 on home before dark.if you want to be my friend it is sky330. thank you

  3. cutiecherries says:

    OMG! !!well know the winner tomorrow! Sorry elwin but I’m rooting for pj. Afterall she wad the one who sold me a designer dress that in the club house someone thought it was rare or something and traded it fora psi! I thin?k the airdaile terrier?speaking of those I got that webkinz yesterday! It is really cute

  4. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I can’t decide who I want to see win! The suspense is HUGE!

  5. sophieb2 says:

    i want PJ to win

  6. PuffMcTuff says:

    Go PJ Collie!!!!! :)

  7. R2-D2brain says:

    PJ!Sing Katamari on the Swing!

  8. redgreen says:

    I can’t believe Elwin made it this far i was going for him yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Girly Girl 1 says:

    I rooting for you PJ

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