Kinzville Sings! Update








By Ella McWoof

Ella McWoof here, reporting the latest developments in the auditions for the popular TV show, Kinzville Sings. So far we’ve had some amazing performances from some wonderful singers such as Cowabelle and Roberta, and we’ve also had some surprises, like the angelic voice of Ms. Birdy. There have also been a few duds, but I think those are best left nameless. I have to say though that one of today’s auditions might have been one of the best. The ever-charming Wiggles Pig made his way up onto the stage. Now Wiggles always exhibits flair and charisma, but when he started singing today everyone was completely blown away by his act. He was incredible. You know, it’s been a pretty close call up until now but I would be amazed if Wiggles doesn’t make it through to the finals. Can you say ‘rocked it’?

50 Responses to Kinzville Sings! Update

  1. PERIS7 says:

    What they should do is let other webkinz join. It would be sooo much dont ya think?

  2. alexjedi5..... Since when did this come????? says:

    Wait wait wait wait….. There’s a Webkinz TV show???? Why didn’t i know that! I haven’t been on lately, so i must be missing it! Is it coming on 4KTV? I hope on a Saturday, Because i can watch Sonic X, and this show! I’ve not been watching TV (Well, video games, guitar, and comics have got me in a knot) so i must have missed it, or missed a commercial for it! I gotta catch up on this info!

  3. Pinky says:

    Surprising !!!!!

  4. misscow5 says:

    I really don’t know who should win because I love them all! <3 =D d=

  5. ringronies says:

    Can I say “Rocked it”? Well, ROCKED IT! There I said it,LOL! ;)

  6. Anna says:


  7. Skiddly says:

    Agreed, Time Bandit. Cowabelle doesn’t deserve to win. She’s almost as bad as Purr-Cilla.

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