Learn how to Draw a Grey Squirrel!

17 Responses to Learn how to Draw a Grey Squirrel!

  1. Cinderpelt says:

    Kewl!!! I love squirrles! You1388, aw that’s too bad :’( …Anglefish I have a red squirrel, too! I named it Sandy :D sarahandlacey I’m homeschooled too! Funny story Kodiak ;)


  2. you13888 says:

    once a squirrel was biting our house i mean roof an then we had to put poison on the roof it was a sad story i can’t believe it happen’d by the way this one look’s like the one on the roof

  3. OceanWings says:

    Aww! So cute! it reminds me of the squirrel that is trying to break into our house! No, really he comes almost every morning and puts his tiny paws on the window! I have to feed him peanuts or peanut butter crackers or he won’t go away! :D
    To the Deeps,

  4. Chaz says:

    A rat with a fuzzy tail!

  5. Angelfish says:

    I LOVE squirrels they are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!!!!!!!! :) My sister has the webkinz red squirrel and it is so cute! She named it Pecan! We usually get a lot of squirrels at our bird feeder a.k.a squirrel feeder, hee hee!! *Angelfish* $~Peace~$

  6. starburst says:

    AWWWW! i lve squirrels! i want one!!

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I agree! It’s so cute! :lol:

      • Kodiak...funny story says:

        One time, before we got window screens in our room, a squirrel got in the window sill, and the window was open. The squirrel was barking, and Boston ROCKs, being a three year old then, was scared of the squirrel. So, to scare the squirrel, she threw her pillow. Her pillow ended up out the window and out of the house. I was pretty confused when she told me her pillow was “outside” It was, on the porch roof below.

        • starburst says:

          that is funny kodiak! :) once, my grandpa took care of a hurt squirrel. he actually kept it n the house and everything!

          • Kodiak...aw says:

            My cousin and I took care of four ill tree frogs. We have three of them, we all know what happened to Tom… :cry: But yeah, I don’t know what’s funnier, the fact my sister’s pillow ended up on the roof, or the fact she actually got scared by a squirrel! That’s really cool about your grandfather taking care of that squirrel. My grandfatther takes care of animals too. Once, he took in a cardinal with a broken wing

        • Kodiak again says:

          BTW, has anyone seen Heatherstem lately? It suddenly occured to me I haven’t seen her in a while. Probably busy with schoolwork. I do my homework on the bus

        • WebkinzQueen says:

          Actually Starburst, you can’t get one, well because they are retired. :cry: Wait a minute, if they are retired, why would they teach us how to draw it???? :?: Whatever, wait, anyone know???? :roll:

          LOL, no it doesn’t mean laugh out loud, Mine means Live out Loud! ;) Oh yeah, I made a new face, :{ It is a guy with a mustache, This one, :} Is an embarrassed guy, or one with a beard! Please use them!! :cry: Thanks!!!! :D

        • Angelfish..........funny! says:

          That is such a cute story Kodiak!! I’m homeschooled too!!! *Angelfish*

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