Lollipop Butterflies

Want a super-fast and fun treat to make for your whole class? Check out the Lollipop Butterflies- they’re adorable and delicious!

What you need:

One lollipop for each kid in your class, dark purple paper (you can get two sets of butterfly wings out of each piece, so if you had 24 kids in your class, you’d need 12 pieces), medium purple paper (again, you can get two sets of butterfly wings out of each piece), and light purple paper (you can get four butterflies out of each piece of paper, so if you had 24 kids in your class, you’d need six pieces of paper), craft glue, clear tape, black marker

What you do:

1. Cut out one butterfly body for each lollipop. The butterfly’s body looks like a long oval with a circle on top.

2. Make two dark purple wings for each lollipop. Fold the purple paper in half, then in quarters. Cut out a wing shape – kind of like the capital letter ‘B’.
3. Cut two medium purple wing shapes for each lollipop (like a smaller version of the letter ‘B’ you just cut out).

4. Glue the medium purple wing shapes on top of the dark purple wings.
5. When the wings are dry, glue them to the butterfly’s body.
6. Add eyes and a smile and draw on two black antennae.

7. Attach the wings to the lollipop with clear tape (tape the lollipop to the underside of the wings).

Hand these out at Valentine’s Day and your friends will be amazed!

32 Responses to Lollipop Butterflies

  1. angus says:

    awesome! qlso i should say SWEET hahahalol its so cool again i said that i am so makeing one

  2. Abigail says:

    This project is soooo cute. But my teachers won’t let any candy or suckers or lollipops be attached to Valentines because of “food allergies”. I don’t know anyone who is allergic to candy, and at least none of my class is! So I’m gonna make some for some of my closest friends and give them to my friends when its not my regular teacher Valentines thing.

  3. jordyn says:

    sorry i spelled your name wrong

  4. jordyn says:

    I think that i great lily i’am going to try it to

  5. Teresa 1 says:

    I think butterflys are so awesome and I am going to try!

  6. Hannah123 says:

    i think that is not cute anyone can come up with that on there own so why wast time putting that up there? THAT IS THE BBBIIIGG QUESTION

  7. Kelly says:

    Cool, but you know what’s cooler is tye-dyed tissues!
    Take a tissue and dot all over it with a marker.
    Bunch it up and put it under cold running water for a few seconds.
    Squeeze it once and carefully undo it.
    Hang it up to dry.

  8. Luree and her webkinz says:

    Very nice idea! Ill have to make some for my webkinz. :)

  9. crater says:

    ive been playing webkinz science they came out…. if you have any q’s ask moi!

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