Molly here with a really easy game – even Millie might win a prize from this one!
What you need: tub of water, lots of rubber ducks, dice, permanent marker, colored markers, large paper, prizes
What you do:
- Fill the tub with water (always make sure babies and toddlers stay away from the tub!).
- On the bottom of each duck, write a number between 1-6.
- On the large paper, write the numbers 1-6. Beside each number, write the name of a prize.
- Roll a die (that’s one dice). Whatever number comes up is the lucky number. Have players pick ducks from the tub until someone gets the lucky number. Look on the chart to see which prize they should get.
- At the end of a turn, have the players put the ducks back into the tub and mix them around. Then play again until all the prizes are gone!
Wow!!!!!!!!!! I hope you get lucky ducky!!!!! :.D
Awww! That looks sooo fun and cute. But, you could do it without the dice and just pick ducks :D
that is an amazing game to play! even a bunch of 10 year olds mixed together to think of just ONE idea wouldn’t have come up with the game!!!!!!!! Please recommend more games for us webkinz fans!!! thank you so much!!
~ magic webkinz
You guys have cool ideas.
What a fun game!!
it is soooooo cute !!!!!:)
sooooo cute!
This is a really cool game! My friends and I should use it sometime! :)
I played something like this at a fall fair last year!
P.S. I’m thinking of changing my name, what do you guys think????
How about you change it to the lions name in the movies Narnia.
How about caspian? or dawn treader?
Good ideas gymdog and snuggles56100! I could be Aslan or maybe Prince Caspian! i’m going to think about it…
Ohh! i love all these games you Kinz are coming up with for the fall fair!
ME TOO!!!!! Sorry 4 caps
oh that’s cute!!!
This is very cool! ;-)
Awww I used to play this game when I was little. They do this at fairs, so this is perfect!
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
At my playgrounds Halloween Fair they had these.
Any game with rubber duckies is a great game by me! :mrgreen: