Make Your Room Toad-ally Rad!

Have you seen the awesome new theme in the W Shop? Elwin wants to make sure you get your hands on the latest and greatest pieces — play the Toadstool Theme Peek-A-Newz Challenge to win pieces from the newest theme. How will you redecorate this summer?

37 Responses to Make Your Room Toad-ally Rad!

  1. Yellow789 says:

    This is so cool!

  2. cool0ne says:

    i missed the fireplace and tile floor :( they are deluxe only which stinks.

  3. mimzle says:

    Can’t play this morning – the button at the bottom is missing from the event

  4. hofo says:

    i am not deluxe and love this heme. I won the flooring on this and was so excited. If anyone is deluxe and can send me either of the other 2 pieces that would be great!!! Let me know if you want something back. Thank you :)

  5. theevilcuppycake says:

    i’m Love67, is anyone willing to trade for or gift floor tiles?

  6. jimzy13 says:

    Okay ppl they are also giving the forest floor tile which is deluxe. Isn’t that grand!

  7. Rosejuila says:

    how do u enter a contest

  8. grumpy1938 says:

    rewind/the items from the room have appeared/I was misinformed the fireplace turned into a chest/that is good too/thanx

  9. grumpy1938 says:

    none of the six accounts I monitor for family and friends received their prize/fireplace yesterday Are they going to fix and resend or extend for a day so those that didn’t get the prize/fireplace will get it ? just wondering anybody????

  10. BH1464 says:

    I just wanted to say “Thanks Ganz/Webkinz.” It’s great that now when we win a prize on Webkinz Newz by finishing a Peek-A-Newz Challenge or clicking on a Floaty Clicky emblem, it tells us exactly which prize we have won. That’s very helpful when looking for it in our docks on Webkinz World. Thanks again.

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