Makeover Madness 3: One Room Apartment

Hailey and I still live with our parents, but one day we’ll move out and get places of our own. Ever since we were tiny elephants (OK, younger elephants…not tiny…elephants are never really tiny), we’ve been dreaming of how to decorate our first apartments. Check out our ideal future homes (and tell us which one you think is the best!)

Hailey’s Apartment:








Hailey Says: I decided to go a little bit more colorful than usual – after all, I want to be inspired by my surroundings! The pink really pops and it goes well with the dark brown and black. I love the space I’m going to use for my studio, and I think the kitchen is perfect for baking (something I love to do).


Elwin’s Apartment







Elwin says: My apartment is a study in blues and greens! I love that it’s relaxing and bright all at the same time. Lime green is one of my all-time favorite colors – and it looks super with turquoise. I really like the light colored floor – it makes the apartment look bigger!

So…which apartment is THE coolest? Please let us know in the comments below!

229 Responses to Makeover Madness 3: One Room Apartment

  1. mrbeefy says:

    I like elwins apartment better. Me myself I like lime green alot. oK time to talk about Elwins the plush stove clashes with the rest of the room, why pick that? The spa side table next to the sofa doesn’t go well with the sofa it’s too big. The TV space is too cramped.

  2. hoopster11 says:

    I like elwin’s he did a better use of space for the bathroom. And elwin has a tv and halieys does not. i like elwins.

  3. toby says:

    Elwin’s is the best.

  4. BandanaBay says:

    I have to say that I like Elwin’s better. The colors and the floor plan are cozy, but I think it would be much more liveable & comfortable too! (Sorry, Hailey)

  5. mypuppaws says:

    I personaly think that Hailey’s apartment is THE coolest. I might live in an apartment like hers one day. I am talking about in real life. I might also use some of these designs for my new room I am making.

  6. sissyapr21 says:

    I like the items in Hailey’s room. I like the color scheme in Elwin’s better though.

  7. MRenos says:

    I like the 2nd on best. :)

  8. peacelovegymnastics says:

    i <3 elwin's design!!!!!!! i think it really makes you feel happy and bright. i'd love to have that room!!!!!!!

  9. ShelyP says:

    I think Elwin’s is really cool but both has unique qualities and both use a great mix of themes.

  10. I'm awesome says:


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