Makeover Madness – Back in School!

What’s up, Webkinz fans?

It’s Hailey and Elwin back for another round of May Makeover Madness! Today’s challenge isn’t going to be easy – but it WILL be awesome! Ms. Cowoline gave each of us carte blanche (that means total freedom) to do whatever we wanted with a room at her school. Hailey decided she was going to try her hand at fixing up the staffroom.  Me? I’m a cafeteria connoisseur, so I chose to makeover the caf. Check out the before and after shots of each, and then let us know who did a better job in the comments below!











Hailey: I couldn’t believe this staffroom – it’s so dark and dreary! What surprised me even more than that was how many things were mismatched! Check out the chairs – only three are the same. And, as one teacher said, “You never want to be late for lunch – or you’ll get the little blue stool!” When the largest piece of art in the room is Booger’s times tables poster, you know your staffroom needs a major makeover. My goal was to create a space where teachers could come to meet, relax, mark papers, and talk. With that in mind, this is what I created:









I kept the carpet because it was in pretty good shape. The kitchen needed a total re-work, so we added high-end appliances, and a blender and toaster (who doesn’t like toast first thing in the morning?)! I also created a few separate areas – a long table for eating together and having meetings, a book nook where teachers can relax, and a conversation area (complete with guitar for impromptu sing-alongs)! The biggest, most obvious change in this room is the windows. It was a lot of work, but having so many windows serves two purposes: to let light in, and to let the outside be the art on the walls! What did Ms. Cowoline say? “A-plus!”


Great job, Hailey. But prepare to be amazed. This is what the Kinzville Academy cafeteria looked like, PE (that’s Pre-Elwin):







Elwin: When I walked in here, I was stunned – so many chairs! So many tables! So little art on the walls! This place is not inspiring in the least, and quite frankly, such a blah environment would make it even harder to choke down the already-questionable mystery meat. Let’s see if we can liven things up!








Now THAT’S better! Check out the awesome patterns (I LOVE that countertop – it’s so retro!) and the use of color. I love mixing and matching, so this room is ideal. My other favorite addition has to be the sushi bar – what student wouldn’t adore that? We upgraded the windows, added a juice fridge and put up a poster with a message I can totally get behind – “Let’s make the world a better place!” Well, I think we’ve definitely made the students’ world a better place, with this awesome cafeteria!


So, readers – it’s up to you! Who did a better job? Hailey or Elwin? Let us know what you think below!

142 Responses to Makeover Madness – Back in School!

  1. I'm awesome says:

    OMG i LOVE all those rooms!

  2. pctimco says:

    i love these designs

  3. namatthew says:

    I have never saw a place that cool before on webkinz!!!
    I love how good it looks inside of it.
    How did they do that?
    Are they RICH?
    If I graded it I would give it a 100%
    If you like it reply to namatthew.
    Only if you like it.
    If you don’t do not reply.
    If you would like to be my friend on webkinz do so now.
    Love the room!!!

  4. jgrant3 says:

    Hailey should win she did so good i could give her money for her webkinz account she did so good that i could not believe it!!!!!!!!!!

  5. jgrant3 says:

    The rooms are awesome hailey yours are so awesome

  6. hi says:

    I like Hailey’s better. :)

  7. #111 says:

    Hailey is the most awsome room designer ever. Love what you did!!!!

  8. Wekinz is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ILOVEIT says:

    both of them are awesome but elwin, seriously, ITS A CAFETERIA, NOT A CAFE! you need bigger tables and more chairs to fit all the students! as for hailey i love it. it totally looks like a place where you can just chillax and have fun :)

  9. nicole says:

    wow.u both did amazing. there is no way i could pick one of the designs over the other.great job.

  10. Mikayla Cypcar says:

    Awesome rooms but i have to say elwin’s is better by far. i wish i could have elwin’s room he made.

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