Millie Pig: Hurricane on Wheels








Sometimes I think Salley, Roberta, Cowabelle, Sparky and Alex are the luckiest kids around. Why? Because they don’t have siblings! Nibbles is lucky because she has an older sister, and Stoogles likes all of his brothers and sisters, so I guess he’s lucky too.

Or maybe I’m just UN-lucky.

Because of Millie. The hurricane on wheels.

See, Santakinz thought it would be a great idea to get Millie roller skates. I wish I had been awake when the jolly old elf was dropping off gifts, because I would’ve begged him to take the skates back to the North Pole with him.

Since it’s snowy outside, Millie has been skating around the house.

She’s not really supposed to, but mom is just happy that she’s enjoying her present – and she said that as long as she stays in the basement, she shouldn’t be able to do too much damage.

Well. Tell that to my ruined art project.

I’ve been working on my art project for three weeks. It was a little model of my house and yard. I thought it was really, really cute. I was just about done (I just had to paint the fence), when Millie decided to skate too close to the area I had roped off. She tripped on the rope and fell face-first into my project.

Needless to say, Millie bawled her eyes out. I tried to help her up, but she just screamed for mom. When mom asked how she fell, Millie said that I had tripped her on purpose by tying the skipping rope around my project. Mom said that it was all a big accident, and that Millie could help me fix my model.

I told mom I wasn’t really interested in her help. I grabbed my project and took it up to my room. I’ve been working on rebuilding the house and yard, but Millie really flattened it. Hilariously, the only thing that doesn’t resemble a pancake is the play dough Millie model I made.

Have I mentioned how excited I am for spring to come?


44 Responses to Millie Pig: Hurricane on Wheels

  1. webkinzrule21 says:

    I know this sounds mean, but I would totally scold her.

  2. huskyluver226 says:

    I have 3 YOUNGER sisters!!!!! THey Pourposly do stuff like that! It seems they have there own language! (they are triplets)

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Oh, Millie! :rolls: I understand that it was a accident, but you shouldn’t have lied…. Molly, try and forgive her. I know how you feel (sorta…)! My brother and sisters don’t respect what I’m working on or playing with and they usuallt wreck it. And yet, they’re older than me! :P But hey you have to forgive ;) You know, when someone has a sibling they usually wish they didn’t. When someone doesn’t have a sibling they usually wish they did! But we should all be thankful for what we have :lol: WebkinzQueen I hope you don’t feel to lonely!

    P.S. Thanks for reading this post ;)

  4. ranlove2 says:

    Hey webkinzqueen if you had siblings you WOULD understand! I am in 6th grade and there is a boy in my class he has been the only kid since preschool who has been an only child!!!!

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I know how you feel Molly…cause I have a 11 year old sister and a 8 year old brother and they drive me nuts sometimes.But I still love them! Like you said in your new year resolution try to get along with her.You can do it!!!!!

  6. GreatFriend says:

    SIBLINGS!!! I know how you feel…Millie sounds just like my little brother.


  7. catluv says:

    Wow that sounds terrible. My Great Aunt gave me a doll house that was handmade by an architect and electrician. It even has tiny plugs that work
    ~catluv…luv the cats!!~

  8. ??? says:

    i wouldn’t be happy.

  9. MDIChickdee says:

    Millie sounds like a handful, but I know you love her, Molly! Patience!! And good luck!!

  10. 1214neohorselove says:

    poor molly i know EXACTLY how she feels

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I feel bad for her! One time my friend came over, and broke my spring cat I had made! My brother beoke a lot of stuff of mine, but I forgave him because I no he didn’t mean to! If you love your sister then you will have to do the same thing! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • Kodiak...the story of my life says:

        Yeah, well when she was five, Boston ROCKs got in my room at night and one time cut a big hunk off my hair! I woke up with my blonde hair scattered all over my pillow, and it was my own fault, because I teased her the night before that when our little brother cut off her hair. It’s odd, because if I’m a blonde, how did she end up being an auburn-brunette?

        • starburst says:

          i feel for u molly. i have two little sisters. :roll: talk about annoying!!!!! one of them is crazy gal, (who is EXTREMELY crazy) and the other is even younger. ;) i would be so mad if one if them did that to me kodiak! i am a blonde too, but they both have hair like u say boston has.

        • gamer555 says:

          I know EXACTLY how she feels

          • krystalkat says:

            My sister is also annoying. She always breaks and looses my stuff, but what can you expect from a five year old? Once she colored all over my wall and broke my lap top, but it got fixed. So I guess my stuff might be broken, but my house would be really boring without her.

          • Boston ROCKs...little brother woes says:

            Not only did my little brother cut my hair, he broke my favorite Boston CD in half. I was so angry!

          • harrypotterrocks says:

            I haven’t been on for a while since I’ve been SO BUSY. I know how you feel. I have a little sister and seriously she’s a brat. A serious brat. She can get away with ANYTHING. I’ve said that she could punch me and I could poke her and I would get in more trouble than her since she can’t do anything wrong. Whenever we fight it’s always my fault even if she started it and my parents know that she started it. And we could do the exact same thing and I would get totally busted and she would just be told not to do it again. She can go around the house screaming and complaining and being totally rude and I will get in trouble for telling her to shut-up. And she’s 8. I swear that the kids in her girl scout troop are all brats except for one or two.


        • WebkinzQueen: I don't understand... says:

          Sorry, but, I don’t understand what Molly is gong through. Being and only child and all, you would expect my life to be perfect. But I always get lonely. Ever since Kindergarten which was 5 years ago (I am in 5th grade) I have been the only only child in my class and it drives me nuts. I always feel left out. Almost all of my friends have siblings! I don’t feel special. Does anyone else feel this way, or is it just me?
          The very upset,

          • Puddlefoot says:

            Think of it this way, WebkinzQueen: With siblings, you have to figure out how to keep your stuff safe and be prepared to be strong if…no, WHEN, your sibling accidentally (or purposely) breaks your favorite toy teapot, or your science project that’s due tomorrow. And you need to learn how to defend yourself if, say, your mom brings you for ice-cream and your sibling was left behind because he/she slept through it.
            Don’t feel bad! :-D

          • Starburst says:

            Well, I happen to be very jealous of u WQ!!! I wish I was an only child. With siblings, they drive you crazy, u r never with ur parents by ur self, they won’t leave u alone, and u sometimes have to share a room with them! So enjoy it!!! ;)

          • Northwestern...agrees with you all says:

            I feel your pain WebkinzQueen. I’m an only child, and I haven’t had a kid my age on my street for 8 years. I’m now just an outcast in eighth grade

          • Starburst says:

            I don’t c why u guys WANT siblings! They drive me crazy! Why does it make u an outcast northwestern? I know lots of people w/ out siblings.

          • lilyj11 says:

            I so know how you feel. Someone (2 very specific someones) ruin my stuff they have to pay me :) so it’s not that bad. ;)

          •'s where it can get you says:

            Well, having siblings to back you up is a good way to keep you in tune to modern practices. Because I didn’t have any kids my age on my block, I grew up based on what my parents told me, so I’m the only one in my classes who dresses with early 90s fashion and listens to 70s rock. My cousins listen to 70s rock, but they grew up in a city where a very good band started. (Boston) Plus, I’m a little more emotional than most kids are, and I’m too shy to overcome it

          • blahblah says:

            im a middle child and gets left out most of the time. so dont feel bad!!! i share a room too. u get ur own room. no one will mess ur stuff. so being a only child is not really that bad!!! :lol: :D

    • dawndrop16 says:

      Wow, that’s terrible. I know how you feel. I have an annyoing brother. :roll: Try to forgive her, I’m sure she didn’t mean it. ~*Dawn*~

    • oldwooffie says:

      I have a younger sister who is very annoying! I know exctly how she feels too.

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