Millie Pig: Hurricane on Wheels








Sometimes I think Salley, Roberta, Cowabelle, Sparky and Alex are the luckiest kids around. Why? Because they don’t have siblings! Nibbles is lucky because she has an older sister, and Stoogles likes all of his brothers and sisters, so I guess he’s lucky too.

Or maybe I’m just UN-lucky.

Because of Millie. The hurricane on wheels.

See, Santakinz thought it would be a great idea to get Millie roller skates. I wish I had been awake when the jolly old elf was dropping off gifts, because I would’ve begged him to take the skates back to the North Pole with him.

Since it’s snowy outside, Millie has been skating around the house.

She’s not really supposed to, but mom is just happy that she’s enjoying her present – and she said that as long as she stays in the basement, she shouldn’t be able to do too much damage.

Well. Tell that to my ruined art project.

I’ve been working on my art project for three weeks. It was a little model of my house and yard. I thought it was really, really cute. I was just about done (I just had to paint the fence), when Millie decided to skate too close to the area I had roped off. She tripped on the rope and fell face-first into my project.

Needless to say, Millie bawled her eyes out. I tried to help her up, but she just screamed for mom. When mom asked how she fell, Millie said that I had tripped her on purpose by tying the skipping rope around my project. Mom said that it was all a big accident, and that Millie could help me fix my model.

I told mom I wasn’t really interested in her help. I grabbed my project and took it up to my room. I’ve been working on rebuilding the house and yard, but Millie really flattened it. Hilariously, the only thing that doesn’t resemble a pancake is the play dough Millie model I made.

Have I mentioned how excited I am for spring to come?


44 Responses to Millie Pig: Hurricane on Wheels

  1. WebkinzOwner11 says:

    Yeah, I know how you feel Molly. I am 11 and my little brother teases me about liking Webkinz. It is annoying, but sometimes it’s great to have a little sibling! He may be annoying but he’s fun when we play with our webkinz together. Even our webkinz Goldie and Sunbatty love each other when they play together! Try to make the most out of your sister. It’ll be O.K. soon!
    —-WebkinzOwner11—- :)

  2. Autumn says:

    Aww, all that hard work. I’m sorry Molly, I’ve had something like that happen to me too. I feel your pain…

  3. kinzking says:

    i have one word for you: ouch.

  4. Dandie says:

    Oh wow! That’s awful! It sounds like something my little sister would do. We rollerblade in our basement too!

  5. Nidorina88....wanting a new sister.... says:

    Well all these stories are really kinda funny but try living with a twin sister who makes you look terrible when trying to make things work out….Ya see, some times i try to work out mistakes and misconceptions in my family and well, my twin just goes and changes the subject and the matter only ends up getting worse. And i live with the older cousins and they make my life pretty much living torture….Anyway, molly, don’t worry millie might actually help you, just tell her to work on little parts and set her work place in another room. Trust me, it helps.

  6. wintertrio says:

    i feel your pain molly! my brother scratches up EVERY cd that he gets his hands on!

    ~*Chervil,Icicle,and Froststar of the wintertrio*~

  7. Coolcats says:

    i have 1 little sister and 1 little brother my little sister painted my room when she was 1 she painted it orange red blue and pink but i finally had it painted over now it’s purple. brothers and sisters can give you a headache

    the cats meow Q

  8. Brooklyn says:

    i have 3 little sisters 3 little brothers they give me a headache i have to share with my 3 sisters their up most of the night giggling and talking and constantly asking me to play dolly.
    i hardly have any time for myself. did i say annoying?

  9. tarabella9 says:

    Well, a lot of you can consider your selves lucky. I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR little sisters and a little brother!!! It’s torture! And I never get any privicy or anything. I have to share a room with 3 of my sisters and I hate it.

  10. webkinzrule21 says:

    Trust me webkinzqueen. You should totally NOT feel left out of that. I have a brother and he can be trouble, and one of my friends has a brother that does nothing but complains and cries

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