Millie’s Birthday Party










Mom and I sat down together today and talked about Millie’s upcoming birthday party. Millie is SUPER excited and has a ton of ideas. She handed me a list yesterday. This is what it said:

Millie’s Birthday Ideas

1.       Join the circus

2.       Visit the jungle

3.       Go underwater

4.       Princess ballerina

5.       Do a treasure hunt

6.       Be in a magic show


Some of these ideas are, how shall I put it? Ridiculous! I tried explaining to Millie that we can’t go to the jungle for her birthday. We also can’t have a party underwater. She wasn’t too pleased to hear that, but Mom agreed. Mom said that she and I would talk about Millie’s list and figure out something that WOULD work. Millie stomped off and slammed the door to her room.

After a long discussion, Mom and I decided that we’d do a princess treasure hunt birthday party. We’d have the guests dress up like princesses, and then tell them to hunt for their treasure (which would be hidden all over the house and yard). We’d do a fancy princess cake, and give out treat bags full of treasure. We thought Millie would put up some kind of a fuss, but you know what? She was actually REALLY happy about it! Next up? Figuring out what to do about a cake. You should see the drawings she’s done. They’re…elaborate, to say the least.



46 Responses to Millie’s Birthday Party

  1. ljsarah says:

    Happy Birthday Millie! Hope you have a Wonderful Party!
    Do we get to take part in your party as guest? I would love to do the Princess Treasure Hunt!
    Sounds super fun! Great Job putting together the party! Wish you the best!!! :)

  2. cathouse2 says:

    That is really cool! I hope Millie enjoys it!


  3. Tjsie says:

    Ummm… She had a fit that she couldn’t do some of her ideas, and she still got a party? If I had done that, I sure wouldn’t have gotten a party!

  4. tinygma says:

    How about a cake taller with a princess crown on it . Then add sparklers so it sparkles it would look cool !!!

  5. cutie says:

    if the zodiac will not work stop it from floating i still have 1 more child and it is driving me crazy it keeps saying this campaign is not active and quizzy and survey has not been updated in fun section

  6. Invisible16 says:

    Aww! What a nice big sister!!

  7. DreamCloud says:

    Awe. . . I hope Millie has an happy birthday! She’s so cute. . My birthday is April the first. My mother says I could have a swim party with a few games. I am turning ten! I can’t wait until April! :)

    ♀ Rain, Snow, Sunshine, DreamCloud♀

  8. lightpapa says:

    Let’s see how this turns out.

  9. ~Majestic~ says:

    That’s AWESOME! what great ides to do! great job! Happy Birthday to Millie!

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