Molly Pig in the Big City








Dear Cowabelle,


I’m having such a tough time in the Big City – you’re the most sophisticated friend I’ve got, so I figured you could maybe give me some pointers about how I should act here.


And trust me, I need pointers. LOTS of pointers. I’m NOT good at city living.


I think the problem is that the city is so…big. I keep getting confused about where we are (and maybe I’ve complained about that a few times to Polly) But today? Today was the worst. I actually got totally lost. I was out to lunch with Polly and her family, and I had to go to the bathroom. The restaurant was HUGE, but I managed to find it. When I tried to find our table again, though – I couldn’t. I had NO idea where Polly’s family was sitting! I tried to flag down a waiter, but they were so busy delivering food, they didn’t notice me. I started wandering around and around the restaurant, and somehow I ended up out on the patio.


I knew we weren’t sitting out there, but when I tried to get back into the restaurant, a waiter stopped me and asked if I was there with anyone (he said they had noticed me wandering around). I said yes, but that I couldn’t find my friend Polly.

And then? I felt like I was going to cry. Cowabelle, it was embarrassing! But I was so frustrated. I had been gone from the table for at least twenty minutes, and the restaurant was so loud and I just couldn’t find Polly’s family and I thought, “what if they just go back to the hotel?” Then I couldn’t remember the name of the hotel we were at…it was AWFUL.

Anyway, the waiter asked some of the other waiters if they had seen a family matching the description I gave. One familiar-looking waiter smiled and said  that was the family she was serving.

So she took me back to the table.

Polly’s parents looked SO glad to see me. I was THRILLED to see them. Polly, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly happy. She didn’t speak to me until we were walking down the street. That’s when she said, “Maybe we should leave a trail of bread crumbs wherever we go so you don’t get lost again.”

And stomped off.

I can’t wait to come home.




40 Responses to Molly Pig in the Big City

  1. MerMer0106 says:

    Polly! Really!? I thought you were above that! Molly didn’t MEAN to get lost! Molls, hope you feal better! I was SUPER home-sick at camp, BUT I felt Much better in the morning and was really sad to leave!

  2. ruchirock says:

    That is sooooo mean of Polly! Wouldn’t saying THAT be more embarassing?! Why is everyone having trouble! Everyone should pln an adventure and have no frienship related problems!


  3. Softball girl says:

    Polly that wuz well u sounded mean! Its ok molly ull b home b4 u no it! :-) ;-) :roll: *?*

  4. leeaj says:

    if you are really not enjoying yourself molly you should tell your mom to come and get you. plus polly doesn’t seem to really enjoy you being there because she was mad at you for getting lost but you were trying you best to not get lost. polly has lived there she noes her way around you don’t polly should undeerstand that and start being a better friend to you!

  5. cstanz says:

    Molly embarrassed Polly? Really? Since when do you invite a friend on a vacation with you then let them go off by themselves? Molly was embarrassed enough the way it was, Polly wasn’t a very good friend when she made that comment. I’m sure Molly wants to go home even more now. Molly, I think you should tell Polly that you were embarrassed too and ask her if next time she’ll come with you so you don’t get lost and neither of you will be embarrassed.

  6. Tiffers says:

    I don’t get why Polly was mad at you, Molly. It’s not your fault you got lost and aren’t used to the big city. I mean sure, she might have gotten a bit embarrassed, but you are the one who got the most embarrassment. Polly is being unfair. You should tell her that her behaviour isn’t nice, especially since you are new to the big city and don’t know your way.

  7. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! Molly – I am so sorry for you! I feel exactly like you when I go to a big city!! I just feel … lost. All the time. I am sorry Polly is disappointed, but perhaps you could ask her to help you learn how to be in the big city. My cousin knows how I feel when I visit her, and she is careful to try to help me feel comfortable. So tell Polly how you feel and ask her to help you think of ways to be able to get over your feeling of being lost. And Cowabelle might have good ideas, too! More help is better! I hope you soon start having fun! All the best! MDIChickadee P.S. I help my cousin with the “country” things she does not like when she visits at my home … LOL!

  8. Pipsqueak says:

    Next time Molly, you should wait for someone else to have to go, then volunteer to go with them. That’s what I’m saying!

    Your fave mini-marker,
    Pipsqueak :-D

  9. Gabriella♥ says:

    You totally messed up. Your food must have been cold by the time you came back! LOL ♥


  10. CoconutCloud says:

    Aw, Molly totally embarassed Polly! Molly, you could try explaining to Polly that you didn’t mean to embarass her. And you were very smart to find a waiter and ask him if he saw a family of pandas! ;-)


    • tigerstripe says:

      i agree coconutcloud. polly was just a bit embarassed.

      • blahblahthecatluver says:

        i feel bad 4 u….. just try 2 think of the GOOD things u have!!!!!

        • Boston ROCKs...right says:

          Now Cowabelle will realize that the big city wasn’t all that!

          • Northwestern...okay, this is weird says:

            Poor Molly! Even if Polly was embarrassed that Molly got lost, she shouldn’t have been that harsh. And if anyone had the right to be embarrassed, it was Molly, because now when she has to explain to Polly’s parents, it’s pretty embarrassing to say you got lost trying to find the restroom out of all ways to get lost

          • lilly says:

            It is called the BIG CITY for a reason. There is no need to worry! :D I am glad that you found Polly and her family. But do not worry, it is a big city. And in large place, you can get lost sometimes. Don’t worry! Its the BIG CITY!!!!! :D :D

          • lillyluvie says:

            That above comment was from me. Oh and remember: have someoine come where ever you go. You DONT want to get lost.

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • DogLove1 says:

            Well….. wow. You should have a buddy to stick with you at all times. Just like me and Roberta. Or you should just hold Polly’s hand or something.

          • Webkinz User says:

            Polly would be dealing with a big time grudge if I were Molly. I stay mad for a really long time when my friends say things like that

          • Webkinz User says:

            It’s not so much getting lost or the remark, but it’s Polly stomping off that would have me in tears

    • Happi says:

      Cheer up Polly! Molly didn’t mean to do that and embarass you! She’s just not yet used to the Big City!

      ~’Be Happi, All Smiles!!’~ :-) :-D :lol:

      • sarahandlacey says:

        I know you’re not haveing the best luck with your trip, but don’t worrie it will get better! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

    • Swanfeather says:

      Geez Polly! It’s not Molly’s fault! Maybe instead of getting mad you could have offered to go with her next time? Don’t ruin your whole trip over this. It’s just not worth it. Ask Molly to forgive you for your rude comment and move on. Poor Molly! She’s not used to the city and her friend gets mad at her for that. I love the city I live in but I also appreciate the quiteness of the country too.
      Swanfeather ♪♫☼

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