Molly Pig in the Big City








Dear Cowabelle,


I’m having such a tough time in the Big City – you’re the most sophisticated friend I’ve got, so I figured you could maybe give me some pointers about how I should act here.


And trust me, I need pointers. LOTS of pointers. I’m NOT good at city living.


I think the problem is that the city is so…big. I keep getting confused about where we are (and maybe I’ve complained about that a few times to Polly) But today? Today was the worst. I actually got totally lost. I was out to lunch with Polly and her family, and I had to go to the bathroom. The restaurant was HUGE, but I managed to find it. When I tried to find our table again, though – I couldn’t. I had NO idea where Polly’s family was sitting! I tried to flag down a waiter, but they were so busy delivering food, they didn’t notice me. I started wandering around and around the restaurant, and somehow I ended up out on the patio.


I knew we weren’t sitting out there, but when I tried to get back into the restaurant, a waiter stopped me and asked if I was there with anyone (he said they had noticed me wandering around). I said yes, but that I couldn’t find my friend Polly.

And then? I felt like I was going to cry. Cowabelle, it was embarrassing! But I was so frustrated. I had been gone from the table for at least twenty minutes, and the restaurant was so loud and I just couldn’t find Polly’s family and I thought, “what if they just go back to the hotel?” Then I couldn’t remember the name of the hotel we were at…it was AWFUL.

Anyway, the waiter asked some of the other waiters if they had seen a family matching the description I gave. One familiar-looking waiter smiled and said  that was the family she was serving.

So she took me back to the table.

Polly’s parents looked SO glad to see me. I was THRILLED to see them. Polly, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly happy. She didn’t speak to me until we were walking down the street. That’s when she said, “Maybe we should leave a trail of bread crumbs wherever we go so you don’t get lost again.”

And stomped off.

I can’t wait to come home.




40 Responses to Molly Pig in the Big City

  1. chihuahualover says:

    I need candy pj bottoms! let me know if you want one of the following:
    leparod tank top
    cherry tank top
    and lots more!

  2. SapphireSea says:

    Now that was mean of Polly! You couldn’t help it that you got lost! Come on, if I went to the city I’d probably get lost, or worse. Try talking to her, or her parents.

  3. ~*Darth says:

    Ok……. Polly you were kind of being mean there, but I don’t blame you!! I think Molly is being a bit of a momma’s baby! :( She is also being a bit un-grateful! I mean…. really! I will do anything to have a friend who would take my on vacations & stuff! :O
    But, even so…….. I don’t think you should’ve said that! D: It only made her feel worse! :(
    I hope you change your minds, Polly & Molly! ;)

    ~*Darth Mauls’s Lover*~ (a.k.a Nova*Beam) :3

  4. candyluver says:

    Visiting an entirely different place is hard, so Polly shouldn’t have said that about the bread crumbs.

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    Awww Molly I fell so bad for you!!!!!!!!

  6. ripstikchick says:

    Well, hopefully she won’t get lost AGAIN!

  7. BeyBladeMASTER12 says:

    hmm, polly souldn’t be so harsh , i mean seriuosly, everybody makes mistakes, plus she IS HER GUEST.
    polly was REALLY HARSH

  8. GooberFan says:

    Why aren’t the parents looking out for you?!!!!!! If we are somewhere new, my mum always takes me to the ladies, it can be frightening, in a new place with lots of people & noise. It can also be dangerous!!!! I feel so sorry for Molly, I can’t wait to see if it happens to Polly! If you’re in an unfamiliar place, you should never go off alone!!! Hope the rest of the trip isn’t as bad, maybe you could talk to Pollys’ parents, they may not realise how you are feeling.

  9. cathouse2 says:

    I can’t believe that happened! I hope good things happen soon!
    Good luck Molly!

  10. spunkygirl says:

    I know I’ve gotten confused at restaurants lots of times, it happens. Don’t worry, you’ll be used to things soon, and if you’re not, it O K.

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