Molly’s Pencil Toppers




















Hey everyone! It’s me, Molly! As you know, there’s a craft fair coming up. What you might NOT know is that I’m a HUGE craft fan! Also, I could use a bit of extra KinzCash – so I’m making these awesome pencil toppers and selling them! Here’s how I did it:

What you need:
Pencils, craft foam (in all different colors), felt (in all different colors), scissors, craft glue, needle and thread, puff paint or sparkle glue, sequins, beads or buttons (whatever you’d like to use for decoration)

What you do:

1.       Figure out what kind of design you want to make. I made two different designs: a heart and a Christmas tree (I figured Webkinz might want to use these as stocking stuffers). Cut out the basic shape from your foam or felt.

2.       If you’re using felt, stitch around the shape, leaving a little opening for the top of the pencil. Decorate the felt, and then slip it over the top of the pencil.

3.       If you’re using foam, cut a small slit in the middle of your shape. Cut another small slit about half an inch above it. Decorate your shape. When it’s dry, slip the pencil through the slits.

4.       I’m going to sell these pencils for one KinzCash each. I hope everyone likes them! Which one is your favorite?

17 Responses to Molly’s Pencil Toppers

  1. Cinderpelt says:

    Awww. How cute, Molly! I hope you get a lot of kinzcash ;) Haha, I never finsish my chapter books that I write. Usually, I don’t know what to do next, or get a better idea and start over….


  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Love them! Very creative, Molly!

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    Those are great Molly.

  4. tennissyd123 says:

    Awesome!!! I love ‘em, nice job Molly!!!

    Sorry I haven’t been posting in a while, I’ve been on the forums way too much!!!


  5. Webkinz Member says:

    Love these ideas!

  6. Webkinz Member says:

    These would make great holiday presents from child to teacher!

  7. lillyluvie says:

    Pretty! :mrgreen:
    They are really cool and especially great for Valetine’s Day and Christmas. ;)

    *Luv from LillyLuvie*

  8. SwedishLatte says:

    I like the heart pencil topper! It’s cute!

  9. Petuniapointeshoes says:

    These are really cool!! I think they look pretty. Very creative!

    • sarahandlacey says:

      They look so cute! ;-)

      • krystalkat says:

        Those look great Molls. ;)


        • Northwestern...ooh, cool says:

          I like pencil toppers, but I don’t often have time to make them, because I write books. Yep, a middle schooler and already an author. I write books for Boston ROCKs’s little cousins. They’re my second cousins. But to answer Molly’s question, I’d have to say the tree, because knowing my aunt, unless if I find him sooner, Christmas will be the day that a webkinz tree frog by the name of Tom will get a home.

          • lillyluvie says:

            Hey, that’s cool because I write books too! :D I write them for high school or middle school age. I don’t know how many I have written so far, but I just started a new one last nIght at Play Practice. (The Play is going to be so much fun I can’t wait!) Once, filled up a whole two notebooks writing one story. I really hope to get it published one day. ;)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • petuniapointeshoes says:

            i like to write stories too..Mostly chapter books that i never actually finish.. Ha ha! I like the tree the best too! Northwestern, would you like to be friends? my username is lollys7. no caps. :)

    • lisiec8 says:

      love it molly!

    • KeepChristmas says:

      Glad they r finally getting into the holiday spirit! I have been listening to Christmas music since November 3rd!

      • Boston I the only one who listens to classic rock? says:

        Everyone in my family drives eachother crazy if you listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I can hardly wait. Oh well, and by the time Christmas is over, I’ll be desperate to hear those awesome guitar solos that the 70s bands were famous for… * Sigh * Still listening to classic rock bands from the sixties, seventies, and eighties.

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