Ms. Stripes’ Office

Well, Elwin and I are almost finished here at Ms. Stripes’ house. We just put the finishing touches on her new office. Ms. Stripes has this really cool piece of art, the Cubist Tapestry, and she asked if we could use it as the focal point of her office. She said that when she’s planning her lessons she draws inspiration from its interesting lines and subdued colors.

As soon as Elwin saw the tapestry he said he knew exactly the wallpaper to set it off to its best advantage. The Elegant Exposed Brick Walls picked up the colors in the artwork, but also has a crisp white that makes the tapestry pop. Elwin had a cool idea for an unusual but funky desk for Ms. Stripes that he thought would complement the tapestry too. He put together a couple of Downtown Kitchen Counters and for a seat used the Animal Print Ottoman. What a stunning combo and who could have thought of it but my stylish brother?

Against one wall we placed Ms. Stripes’ sewing station and punctuated it with an Oval Contour Cabinet on either side. Don’t they look cool with this wallpaper? And in another corner we popped an easel so Ms. Stripes can make art for her classroom. It all sits beautifully on the Creative Studio Flooring, one of our favorites.










So it looks like our work here is done, but I’m not so sure. I think there is still one little thing we still have to take care of.

Elwin and I have had a wonderful experience working with Ms. Stripes, but for some reason the kids at school are not getting the same positive vibes that we have been feeling. It makes me really curious about what is up with Ms. Stripes. How can she be one way with us and completely different at school with her students?

I’m not sure I’m ready to let this go. We’ve developed a pretty good relationship with Ms. Stripes and I think maybe we should try to get her to open up. I don’t usually like to interfere – especially in my clients’ private business – but I consider Ms. Stripes my friend now.  Maybe I can help.

38 Responses to Ms. Stripes’ Office

  1. penguingirl145 says:

    Nice office good job elwin and haley

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m sure you could help!!!! AND YES FOR HOMESCHOOLERS!!!!!!

  3. Judy says:

    If Ms. Stripe is a new teacher she may be worried about what the principal and fellow teachers think about her and may not have learned classroom management yet. It takes a while for a new teacher to feel at ease in her classroom, she may need someone to help her relax a little. Also no one has stated whether the rest of the students are rude, or unruly if this is the case the strong arm method may be needed until the students start to follow the rules. But my guess is that she has not learned to relax yet and is intimidated by what those higher or more experienced will think about her. I know what I am saying because I am a teacher and at first came on like the marines. I have learned to relax but there are times when a strong front is needed.

  4. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    It looks good Hailey and Elwin. Which house is next for you to fix up… together! I can’t wait! >>cathouse2

  5. brightongirl7 says:

    I always really like Elwin and Hailey’s designs…Webkinz News should do a poll and see which room we like best.

  6. scoobydoo45 says:

    This looks like a classic case of the fundamental attribution error. Do not underestimate the power of the situation! Ms. Stripes’ persona differs between different environments.

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