Ms. Stripes’ Office

Well, Elwin and I are almost finished here at Ms. Stripes’ house. We just put the finishing touches on her new office. Ms. Stripes has this really cool piece of art, the Cubist Tapestry, and she asked if we could use it as the focal point of her office. She said that when she’s planning her lessons she draws inspiration from its interesting lines and subdued colors.

As soon as Elwin saw the tapestry he said he knew exactly the wallpaper to set it off to its best advantage. The Elegant Exposed Brick Walls picked up the colors in the artwork, but also has a crisp white that makes the tapestry pop. Elwin had a cool idea for an unusual but funky desk for Ms. Stripes that he thought would complement the tapestry too. He put together a couple of Downtown Kitchen Counters and for a seat used the Animal Print Ottoman. What a stunning combo and who could have thought of it but my stylish brother?

Against one wall we placed Ms. Stripes’ sewing station and punctuated it with an Oval Contour Cabinet on either side. Don’t they look cool with this wallpaper? And in another corner we popped an easel so Ms. Stripes can make art for her classroom. It all sits beautifully on the Creative Studio Flooring, one of our favorites.










So it looks like our work here is done, but I’m not so sure. I think there is still one little thing we still have to take care of.

Elwin and I have had a wonderful experience working with Ms. Stripes, but for some reason the kids at school are not getting the same positive vibes that we have been feeling. It makes me really curious about what is up with Ms. Stripes. How can she be one way with us and completely different at school with her students?

I’m not sure I’m ready to let this go. We’ve developed a pretty good relationship with Ms. Stripes and I think maybe we should try to get her to open up. I don’t usually like to interfere – especially in my clients’ private business – but I consider Ms. Stripes my friend now.  Maybe I can help.

38 Responses to Ms. Stripes’ Office

  1. rosebabyo9199 says:

    IKR means i know right :) this is Hope and PumPkiN SpiCe from the trading room!

  2. ??? what does IKR mean says:

    WHAT DOES IKR MEAN please tell me

  3. rosebabyo9199 says:

    It isn’t just you Tiffany, it looks all tech to me. when can they tell wht has got ms stripes all down in class???!!!??? This is PumPkiN SpiCe and Hope from the trading room!

  4. Hylian_Hedgehog says:

    Pretty cool but not my favorite, that would be the dining room. BTW I need friends on Webkinz World if anyone would like to add me my name’s TickledPink2216. :)

  5. fanofthefrog7 says:

    I like this room. Very interesting style. I think Hailey should talk to Ms. Stripes about the school, I think it would benefit everyone.

  6. designergirl101 says:

    I love the desk area but did anybody notice almost everything in that area was also in the dining room. The rest of the room is okay. I wonder if this is the last room. To be honest I loved the first couple of rooms but after the dining room not so much.

  7. Elf says:

    The problem isn’t with Mrs. Stripes; it’s with the kids. They just need to get to know her. I had a teacher a few years ago who I thought was really tough and who actually kind of scared me, but once I got to know her a little more, she became one of my favorite teachers.

  8. Wacky Webkinz says:

    Cool office! Go ahead and ask Ms. Stripes why the kids are so down on her. Why is she so different at school? You may be able to solve the problems and make school more enjoyable for the Kinz and the other kids, too.

  9. JItterbug says:

    You totally should. Maybe you should talk to the students about what they think is wrong with her and then her what she does with the students.

  10. mycatGinger says:

    Hmmmm, seems a little crowded. But the time warp clock looks pretty neat. Good job Elwin and Hailey! -mycatGinger

    • morningshine says:

      hmm not the best but its okay……~morningshine

    • Chicago Made....Signature isn't working says:

      Wow, I love that room. It’s nice, very neat, but it kinda is a bit crowded. I don’t understand what the kids are so down on Ms. Stripes. Ms. Stripes seems nice to me, and maybe she’s not used to children? That would be my guess. But I love the room. Hailey and Elwin, you’re giving me good room ideas. ;) ~Chicago Made ^.^

      • puffthemagicdragon says:

        Maybe she has multiple personalities !

      • ke8o says:

        @CM- IKR? Ive been making a list of things i need to get in the trading room to make some of the rooms theyve posted! LOL! — ke8o :)

        • Chicago Made says:

          @ke8o – Yeah, I’m trying to make lots of rooms with colorful items in the rooms. I’ve done 4 rooms so far, but they’re not done just yet. I’ll need a few more days. I’ve been trading for clothing, to be honest. I already have birthstone items from trading rare items to my friends, and they all gave me their birthstone tiems. I don’t have the Zircon items though….those are hard to get. Also, I’m trying to get the Plumpy Glasses. :) ✖Chicago Made✖

          • Firestorm A.K.A SkrillexCBF56 says:

            @Chicago Made – I LOVE your comments! They’re always so interesting! :) -Sadie▶ ▷ ◀ ◁

          • DragonPrincess says:

            @Chicago Made – I thought estore items weren’t trade-able? Is it because the birthstone items are PSI’s? I would love to get some of those items! Good luck with the glasses – I hope you get a pair. ~DP

          • Chicago Made says:

            @Dragon Princess – You can trade birthstone pets’ PSI and PSF, if you want to, and I got all of them, but Zircon. If you buy an estore item itself, you can’t trade it, but if you buy a pet from the estore, you can trade away its PSi and PSF, if you feel like to. ✖Chicago Made✖

          • DragonPrincess says:

            @Chicago Made – Thanks! I might have to try trading for some of those. Good luck getting Plumpy’s glasses. ~DP

      • WolfBlazeX says:

        Yeah, I like Ms. Stripes. I really don’t get why they all don’t like her. She doesn’t seem really mean. Actually, she’s just like my history teacher. No one likes her but she’s actually really nice, but she’s stern. ~ΩWolfBlazeX~

        • Chicago Made says:

          @WolfBlazeX – I’m home schooled, and my teacher is my dad – He’s fair, not rude, and not bad as a teacher. But last year, I was in private school, and my history teacher was not nice at all. He always gave me and the class tons of homework, and I don’t enjoy homework. :roll: ✖Chicago Made✖

          • WolfBlazeX says:

            Ah, we almost never get homework in history. Now with English and math, that’s a different story. Anyway, why are you homeschooled? I wish I was. ~ΩWolfBlazeX~

          • Da says:

            Isn’t homeschooling awesome! I’ve been homeschooled my whole life and wouldn’t want it any other way.

          • Chicago Made says:

            @WolfBlazeX – It’s a long story why I’m home schooled, but I don’t enjoy it as much as private school. I don’t ever get to see my friends as I used to, so don’t think home schooling is better than real school, with lots of kids. Most of my friends I just don’t ever see anymore. ✖Chicago Made✖

    • Becky71W says:

      That doesn’t look like an office for a school teacher. Looks more like a sewing room. Am I right or am I right?

    • Tiffany says:

      Is it just me…or did the Newz Blog get a new look??? ~Tiff♪♫♪

    • Ember says:

      I love Hailey and Elwin’s work! They always do such a great job re-designing, and they give out great ideas for rooms people probably wouldn’t have thought of making. Peace, Ember :{P

      • DragonPrincess says:

        @Ember – Me too! Some of their earlier designs weren’t so good, but all the rooms for Ms. Stripes have been great. It’s like Elwin has been re-energized since he came back from his tour. I’m excited to see more! ~DP

    • HermioneGirl says:

      Are you kidding? This room looks great, not crowded!!! Not the best?? i think it is great!

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