Nafaria House Lamp!

Have you seen the new Webkinz Wizard Academy on the eStore? Since Nafaria is already here giving away prizes, Webkinz Newz is decidedly House Nafaria, and we’re celebrating by giving away a Nafaria House Lamp! Look for the special ad between now until March 9 to get yours. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

30 Responses to Nafaria House Lamp!

  1. britney39 says:

    go to another page and it usally pops up hope this helps!

  2. PJ_ says:

    Wasn’t there going to be an Alyssa House Lamp opportunity also? Is that still happening? Thanks in advance for any help!

  3. SilverBell12 says:

    I can`t find the lamp…my ad not working

  4. cherrybarb1 says:

    we wish to buy or win more of Nafaria house furniture, how can we do it?

  5. Mike says:

    why is it saying that this event is over? today is the 5th , and this is supposed to be running thru the 9th !!!!!!

  6. mackiecake1 says:

    i think it ended on 3/4/2013 :(

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