Nafaria House Lamp!

Have you seen the new Webkinz Wizard Academy on the eStore? Since Nafaria is already here giving away prizes, Webkinz Newz is decidedly House Nafaria, and we’re celebrating by giving away a Nafaria House Lamp! Look for the special ad between now until March 9 to get yours. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

30 Responses to Nafaria House Lamp!

  1. mackiecake1 says:

    just to let you know the ad is at the bottum of the page ;)

  2. Jennifer says:

    It does not work.

  3. KinzKount says:

    I thought the contest waswn’t working, but it is once every 24 hours instead of once a day. Love the purple flames on this lamp!! Great prize!!!!

  4. artlover41 says:

    I gave mine to my friend because I knew she would never go to Webkinz News

  5. gorillalover says:

    Why cant I log in to PLAY THE GAMES?

  6. coolitsyou says:

    can someone please help me find this ad i can not see it no matter how close i look. can someone at least tell me where to find it and im sure i will see it then

  7. lalaloopsy says:

    sorry about that ,i guess i got over excited.

  8. lalaloopsy says:


  9. KinzKount says:

    I like the lamp, but the contest isn’t working. When I put in the information, it says campaign is expired and it just started. Please fix!!!!!

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