Nibbles’ Ladybug Cupcake















This cupcake is almost too cute to eat! Almost.

What you need:

-          Cupcakes

-          White icing

-          Red food coloring

-          Hockey puck candy or any round, black candy

-          Dark chocolate raisins

-          Sprinkles

What to do:

Add red food coloring to icing until it is the right shade of red. Cut the top off of your cupcake and then cut it in half. Spread each half with red icing and set them on top of cupcake to form your ladybug’s wings. Stick a black candy onto the top at one end to make your ladybug’s head. Put dark chocolate raisins on the wings to make the spots. Using a toothpick, stick white sprinkles on the head for eyes and add a blue sprinkle to each one.

17 Responses to Nibbles’ Ladybug Cupcake

  1. Cinderpelt says:

    Woah!!! Hey where’s Alex’s cupcake??? ;) I love it Nibbles… Good luck! Gooberfan I have a suggestion! Eat it. LOL


  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Great job, Nibbles!! You, too, may win!!

  3. corrine says:

    This looks awesome!!!:) Gonna have 2 do this one!:)

  4. Veronica says:

    I still love Alex’s… I THINK it was Alex’s that is.. the desert island one? THAT was so cool.

  5. petuniapointeshoes says:

    this is my favorite of all the cupcakes! I’m sure! it’s absolutely adorable!! sarahandlacey, how come you are always rolling your eyes?

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    That is cute.

  7. GooberFan says:

    What can you do with the bottom of the other cup cake? You’ll always end up wasting one, shame!
    Any ideas how not to waste it?

  8. pumpkin7203 says:

    Hello? Why isn’t anyone responding to the too-cute-to-eat ladybug cupcake, which I named SD? (SWEET DELICIOUS) I thought of it nicely.

  9. gymdog says:

    oh my!!! my favorite one!!!Good job Nibbles!
    ok, who do YOU like the best
    Alex or

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