Nibbles’ Worst Day


Hey everyone. It’s Nibbles and I have to say, this might be the worst first day of school EVER. What happened? Well, not only have my friends in the ‘Kinz been divided into TWO classes, but some of us (me included) got this really tough new teacher. She hasn’t even smiled yet…and it’s already recess time. Her name is Ms. Stripes and I have no idea how I’m going to last the entire year with her. She made us sit in rows, alphabetically by our last names. She said if anyone was caught talking, we’d get detention. AND she yelled at Sparky for dropping his pencil case on the floor. It could’ve happened to anyone!

The other class is being taught by Ms. Daisy, my teacher from last year. She was so nice and kind…and I don’t think she ever gave detention.

Maybe I could ask Ms. Cowoline to transfer me back to Ms. Daisy’s class? I don’t know what else to do. I was so excited for school to start, but now I kind of want it to be summer again. Ugh.

25 Responses to Nibbles’ Worst Day

  1. Oo Megan oO says:

    Awww… Nibbles, you teacher may be a little tough and strict, but i feel that its no need to ask Ms. Cowoline to switch you back to Ms. Daisy’s class, unless you really really want to. Just keep calm. Maybe you can make new friends in your classroom too. ❀Megan❀

  2. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I hate it when this happens. You can do it Nibbles. Hang in there. >>cathouse2

  3. sugar the guniea pig says:

    ok girl, middle school is wose you have you have six diffrent teachers and you have to learn all of their names dude I feel you like times six so it’s ok

  4. Stealthstorm says:

    I’m sorry. She seems a bit rough, but I had a hard core teacher once, and I learned the most that year than ever before. They keep you on track. Good luck…

  5. CountryGirl says:

    Aww, sorry for you and Stoogles! But here’s a quote for you: Tomorrow is always a new day

  6. 143figo says:

    I’m sooooooo sorry Nibbles!! I hope your year gets better!! Try to be nice to your teacher. She might’ve have a hard life and might need some grace.

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